Showing posts with label Global. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Global. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Biotoxin epidemic

1 in 3 people survives this damaging biotoxin
In July 2016 a national health organization made an announcement that 1.5 million people died with this antibiotic-resistant fungus structure in them affecting normal health issues that should not be fatal.

The rate of survival is 1 in 3 people. Toxic Mold is more dangerous than any past disease that has affected the human population.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

My 1 thing = Global Paradigm

This is my one thing: GLOBAL PARADIGM. I make this my focus

after taking 12 months of Mark Divine's Unbeatablemind Platinum  course at

Honolulu ISIL

Based on one of my last would be a safe ballpark then to put Hawaii Syndicate, as possible landlord;- in the mix of aiding a mix of greencard, foreign, and other Asian influence from Vietnam & Phillipines in 2015 Google Executive attack. The one who was left in Ala Moana park.
I heard he was hit with a M.yacht club flag
Then again I also heard BP famous actor who busted pedophiles 6/2017 was sleeping in Ala Moana beach park under some foliage.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Ban USA religious volunteerism

Recent USA news shows the racial disparity between American Christians within the USA. For a worldwide peaceable business economy, I personally think that USA religious groups should be banned from travel abroad. 

USA Humanitarian efforts should be constrained to humanitarian actual efforts only and not impede growth and politics
Humanitarian efforts should be constrained to humanitarian actual efforts only and not impede growth and peaceable politics. Online interactions already are a safe way for USA to infiltrate countries with global capitalist values and white based Christian value systems. 
 Respect for Collective Mindsets is lacking in interactions with the USA American Culture
More non-denominational schools for youth should be encouraged to finding peaceable international business solutions. Possibly with a broad scope of cultural religion and customs for positive interactions with collective mindsets that enable other humans to exist in other areas of the planet with reasonable peace (regardless of government & political form). 

There are slews of USA children who travel outside of their home countries to do "volunteer work" or "missionary" work.  They are taught that the people they help are poor because they aren't Christian.

Instead of rallies of religious arguments against the world's people and those who are have other beliefs besides Christianity;- there should be a ban on USA religious missions to other countries. 
One thing is that it doesn't represent everyone in the USA. And the Christianity I have experienced is highly racist and in line with an American parallel to the old Nazi regime. 

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Ex-IM are the Doers

The Export Import world I know of and am familiar with is indifferent to religion. Trust is something that exists based on actual execution of business dealings. Trust is not something that follows behind the failed acknowledgement of some Christian's God, or anyone from any religion. American's seem to have a habit of screaming that they are Christian, which brings them online with their own views of domestic acceptance. They FAIL, in most circumstances, to engage and correctly complete most of what they proport they will do in fairness. And sometimes those with a proven track record fail because of those "Christians" who want to show off and ask for their forgiving God's pardon. 

I had the most Disgusting dinner:- I was listening to another biggot scream the word Christianity aloud, while trying to eat my moldy cooked mixed Veggies from Panda on Valkenburg. 

So amidst his smattering of Crowley and other names used to Justify the Christian background of USA culture and acceptence in USA military;-ugh such awful and annoying commentary.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Extra Monitoring USA - domestic travelers non-white

Brussels attack, has pushed forward the extra global monitoring time up from May 15th - June 15. Personal security for business travelers and other influential persons and future connections is at an extreme high. 

Many spiritual groups that include claimed Pleidian connections will travel into the USA for their international meetings;- May 15-May 30.
Those internationals taking extra precautions will have left the USA prior to their USA re-entry closer to meeting time, it may appear as atypical travel plan. 

Advice is to travel lightly as USA Airport security is prone to emotional outbursts and interferences, and slander in the airport in order to cause unneeded security disruptions. USA airport security is also subject to personal value sets (use Trump as an example) that do not coordinate with keeping global World peace.

They can and have confiscated anything one brings in USA airport through domestic changes;- including phone chargers and tearing down important means of personal safety & security communication. 

I was born a USA national;- I represented the USA at APEC in 2011. USA domestic airport security has severely compromised my own personal safety by creating extra delays and contaminating my baggage as well as destroying my communications. They cost me great agony with 1 carry on suitcase and no checkin baggage.