Showing posts with label mindset. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mindset. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Ban USA religious volunteerism

Recent USA news shows the racial disparity between American Christians within the USA. For a worldwide peaceable business economy, I personally think that USA religious groups should be banned from travel abroad. 

USA Humanitarian efforts should be constrained to humanitarian actual efforts only and not impede growth and politics
Humanitarian efforts should be constrained to humanitarian actual efforts only and not impede growth and peaceable politics. Online interactions already are a safe way for USA to infiltrate countries with global capitalist values and white based Christian value systems. 
 Respect for Collective Mindsets is lacking in interactions with the USA American Culture
More non-denominational schools for youth should be encouraged to finding peaceable international business solutions. Possibly with a broad scope of cultural religion and customs for positive interactions with collective mindsets that enable other humans to exist in other areas of the planet with reasonable peace (regardless of government & political form). 

There are slews of USA children who travel outside of their home countries to do "volunteer work" or "missionary" work.  They are taught that the people they help are poor because they aren't Christian.

Instead of rallies of religious arguments against the world's people and those who are have other beliefs besides Christianity;- there should be a ban on USA religious missions to other countries. 
One thing is that it doesn't represent everyone in the USA. And the Christianity I have experienced is highly racist and in line with an American parallel to the old Nazi regime. 

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Light Based Organization & old Nazi ideals

Many of the light-based organizations I have experienced during my time & distributing light and receiving light in Hawaii are highly offensive to me. There is an air reminiscent of Nazi ideals. This includes manipulation of my cranium and its classification. They claim to have some end goal in common. They claim that they are "cleansing the earth" of toxins. Or on the reverse, that the material world is toxic and not of God or spiritual body because it is solid matter. 

The members of thes organizations and their leaders and staff are highly critical of me. They are astonished that I can speak any language, let English. They are souls who worship the human form, not God.