Showing posts with label martial arts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label martial arts. Show all posts

Monday, June 18, 2018

My Martial arts reflection

Today, I retaliated against my boredom & started dusting off my Hawaiian yoga mat. Out of shape even after taking Mark Divine's course last year. After 20yrs...I did some basics for some of my prior Senseis &  Professors 80 crunches with toe touch to partial roll, about 80-90 Foot sweeps making marks in sand & water in the surf.
I tried the shrimpie exercises in the relatively still ocean, hands behavior behind back & ankles locked 3x  to shore from 15-20" out. It was interesting to watch my breath control, and make a serious adjustment. Then treaded water for 25min -- I should have a weight for this.
After 20yrs of intermittent martial arts & street defense seminars, I only have left 1 dirty white belt & an Israeli Krav 1 diploma somehow with E. Yanilov's  signature on it. and a Kajukembo Yellow belt issued at the Founder's funeral, and an Orange belt in Kempo from Allemany's line. Pretty pathetic since I'm a female & part Japanese.

Oh well, I'm not much of a fighter anyway & prone to non-violent literature and past actions involving me getting pinned under a car. Or wearing an ice vest in a Mylar Fish costume in 90 degree weather to protest Bass Masters.
20 years---

Monday, February 29, 2016

Got WW3?

Securing Hawaii as a USA State:- 
1. Have state or federal cards for Any aged FT/PT resident regardless of Citizenship who enrolls in a martial arts school or lessons.
2. Make Hawaii's residential Town Associations and  Housing or Condo associations Liable for damages caused by members of martial arts schools which they allow to use facilities. Especially any practicing "ninjutsu"

Hawaii's warriors, locals, military personnel, drug dealers, mafia, drunkards with beer guts, H.S. Graduates and holy persons are looking forward to WW3. They LOVE!!! I mean LOVE their MMA guys! (I personally dislike it though if I don't tolerate it someone else will physically assault my 5'2 petite frame.)
In towns all over Oahu at least, there are tons of Martial arts classes that are supported by their community and non-profit town associations. Then many of the coaches... But are the role models for all the kids and parents to follow. They create completely abusive communities and felt the need to hang up and destroy my life...their communities and police allowing people to sit in the hall outside my door and crack the key lock box and break in.  Etc etc etc...
 They don't call this art of war for nothing. Hawaii's i.e., Mililani Town Association definitely finds this amusing. Downtown Honolulu is an absolute nightmare for me that I feel was deserving of security bearing m16 lined rooftops and security barriers. 
The fact that I was forced to live in this state here is appalling. Though the Hawaii based martial arts instructors seem to also think it's funny to take the niece of a Japanese steel broker and make me worse than a lowlife Hoe even in a 3rd world country, throw her on the street and destroy my credit. All thanks to their martial arts associations and members- of which is the entire HAWAII community;- since there are a lot of business people who don't want to be involved with the disaster they created.
I personally HATE Most of Oahu due to these people. Even Philadelphia has better people coming out of its ghettos who are more responsible. How Hawaii state isn't liable for creating these conditions is beyond me-- Cause Obama didn't want it. 
Rant over....these people make the world worse. They should Ban martial arts or make the students have registered fighting cards from the start.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

About Self Defense for Women

This isn't directed against a particular group or individual. It is to communicate about taking self-defense courses.

NEVER and I mean NEVER tell a Martial arts or Self Defense instructor about your history as a victim. Even a seemingly well intentioned instructor will put everything including sex under "self-defense training." The bad ones are like the ultimate predators. They will ruin you financially and otherwise so you have no recourse against them. And, they will use any law enforcement ties to protect themselves. There was one even one Dojo who used to rape women to initiate them into their next rank. One of the belted woman managed to sue the NY dojo for such discriminatory assault practices.

Additionally, if you are a woman of Asian descent, be even more careful because they will use your cultural background against you doubly. Because of some Asian gift-giving they will take everything from you even without your offering, your approval, or your consent. I have had this happen to me several times with an instructor. Everything from threats to "what's in the dojo stays in the dojo."
And then there is the perception that by paying your instructor the "fee" he asks will ease things.
Once you pay their fee they know they can get more out of you by hurting you extra in class if you don't comply with their outside wishes. Someone needs to define where the civilian instructor's position ends and his being a regular civilian begins legally. Remember, any men in the class are an extension of his ego as an instructor. He will rarely repromand the male students for any ill remarks or sexist behavior especially when trying to retain students in 'this economy."
Additional signs of being of women being abused by an instructor (I have seen over a 10 yr. period) include; women who actually commited suicide, women who turn into cutters (people who cut themselves to ease their pain) around the instructor, women who are frequently told to shut up when trying to voice a reasonable complaint or repromanded for "trying to cause drama".
Lets face it, many women go to safety courses to learn to defend themselves; not to walk into a roomful of ill mannered thugs.