Showing posts with label Solar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Solar. Show all posts

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Solar Radiation Management

A glimpse of handful of my Solar Radiation Management (SRM) related pics. Available for use or reprint - please contact for use.

Solar Radiation Management includes the deployment of reflective nanoparticles to block Radar and UV rays. There are technologies that use some types of UV radiation signals frequencies today. However the debate rages over shipment protections and security, versus the disruptive particulate matter shutting down the ability for all types of life forms to fuel or feed themselves- from photosynthesis to human digestion.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

New: Africa Energy Comission- as Raw a field as it gets

Most of us know that this was bound to happen. It was just a question of when.
Everyone in the Japan, U.S., Germany, etc. scrambling to set up functional infrastructure, transportation systems, and working on African development in numerous African countires knows that energy is important.

What is more important is that it is in the hands of African people. Like the troubled oil industry in African regions;- an alternative energy dictatorship could become potentially beyond heinous to the people in Africa who already have expensive health care costs just to stay alive. There is an enourmous amount of physical labor involved in setting up solar collector fields, alge ponds for bio-fuels, as well as other inexpensive solar collector and energy sources to put lights in African schools for children to learn.

Today: AFREC is the newly formed African Energy Comission
About 30 energy ministers from African Union countries are in Algiers for the meeting. They have been joined by representatives from other regional and international energy groups, as well as international financial institutions.

From: website-

AFREC is formed just in time for discussion at the Third International Solar Conference.