Showing posts with label mRNA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mRNA. Show all posts

Friday, April 15, 2022

Bio-tech and climate change.

How to express this serious matter?

Maybe today, the strange world I wrote about in 9th grade creative writing with 2 characters who I named China and Samson (instead of Samsung) will make sense.
It's been, about 3 decades since I described a world where humans ceased to exist as we know them today. Yet in my 9th grade story human DNA was put into plant life for survival during climate change. It was perceived as a form of cannibalism. And the methods were not revealed. It simply was.

Yet today, finally today-- most people are gaining awareness of mRNA, hybrid cells, and chimera. But my self-invented story world as a 9th grader got me cast out of anything my classmates could relate to. It wasn't even a sci-fi story back then.

Today I can write away a new fiction of how PCR tests meant for supply chain product testing were reverse engineered to collect public DNA samples worldwide. And the samples were converted to some randomized human mRNA signals that were then converted into cRNA and distributed in "fertilizers" by polymersome.
Fertilizers now having a broad definition beyond agricultural soils and where nano-tech affects subsequent generations of seeds.

But that's ok. Noone knew they had meant there was mRNA from someones DNa to grow an ear. They thought that was funny back then too. Get it? They used to jest, and ear. Yet this had nothing to do with GMO corn seed. The vibe I picked up on was for real hybrid plants made with human DNA. Yes. I repeat. For survival. 

I wasn't aware of the DeepState as a kid. I thought I was isolate and ostracized because everyone around me was simply racist. And those who befriended me had financial motivations with pedos. 

Sadly being ground into fertilizer as a human has taken on the scientific process of DNA sequencing, CrispR tech, isolating mRNA, patenting cRNA and generally playing with puzzle pieces that make life stand up in Earths gravitational field.

Retrospect of being an outcast repeatedly.
And it's way too late. The damage has been done. While the public is just finding out about something that took root over 30years ago.

mRNA vs cDNA convo

As an animal rights and human rights activist, I think all Genetic definitions should have prominent legal judgements and cases attached where applicable.

Over the past decade, I've read dozens of articles, patents, and research papers about DNA, chimera vs. hybrid animals and/or cells, Prometheus case and relevant judgements (see Areal links), and IP  for animal and human rights. That is in small comparison to the hundreds of works on transhuman and nano tech that I've researched to share a minute portion at activist meetings. Yet, the news is still teaching the public about mRNA while cRNA is the patentable form of RNA.

See this Supreme Court ruling about how cRNA is patentable -- and covers mRNA.

Here's a link to the textbook (government) definition of mRNA devoid of legalities.  See attached screenshot if you don't want to click on it.
m is for messenger in mRNA--  basically a cut out part (isolated) of DNA/RNA code(signals) from some natural life form. It is messenger RNA because the cut out signals from the 🧬 become a set of instructions sent to other living cells in the same type of living being or a different one.

Take this Rough said "hybrid" creature example: how researchers inject human DNA into mouse or bat brains to make the animals smarter. 
1. Is it cRNA or is it natural mRNA injected?
2. What classification does the next generation of animals born to these "hybrids" get? Chimera or Hybrid? Is the next generation a patentable lifeform? Who owns their IP?

While I've studied some hybrid and chimera examples to understand the diff. between what researchers can and cannot patent out of the natural world. The lines around IP (intellectual property) with and without hybrid brain cells or transhuman technology are also challenged in a similar fashion to the well known Prometheus case. This complex issue is intertwined with other issues concerning non-consensual human testing-- and a deeper personal concern over mRNA and cRNA signals distributed in the supply chain and released in living beings of all life forms through nano-spheres, nano-beads, and polymers. 

 It's actually a critical issue for my concern for animals and human rights. And a much more complex focus that I rarely get to discuss with others.

Monday, April 11, 2022

Retrospect on Toxic mold AND Nano-tech

In retrospect, with so many nano-tech reporterrs showing cutting edge creations;- I've put together a different perspective of what I once called "toxic mold".yes, click on the link to find a real glimpse of the microbe toxic mold. Then start the comparison to how it doesn't look like what was in my blood.

Here's the first and one of very few pictures I have from my personal medical files that iCloud took away from me aka locked me out of my iCloud account. It looks like the Toxic Mold plushie more than the microbe. 
But it definitely has black spots like anake venom under a microscope-- indicating a biotoxin.   One of My Twitter and IG handle is @ImperialNewsJ.

I now understand that the researchers and "powers that be" use a bio-toxins such as black mold microbe (not nano), or hydras as an obvious culprit to blame for the array of symptoms and microscopic nano-crystals. However, after another hard long look at several other pictures I took of my own microscopy session-- I understand there was alot more to blame than "mother nature's bio-toxins."

Red Pill, was nothing I subscribed to in the past. But undeniably the professional reporters present so much information about these old pics Ifrom a microscopy session I had stored away as "natural biotoxin" byproducts (Especially see the gloved hand pointing below)

These pictures were "interesting areas" that lacked the black mold.  And I agreed and nodded my head along with the microscopist the whole way without researching any further that this was toxic mold cause and effect.

 But, here's my self reflection in 2021-2022:  In some pics little black dots are suspect of "malaria" attacking cells. Other nano sized black dots may be biotoxins/mycotoxins killing cells and/or graphene. I've found plenty of pics that make graphene a primary suspect, and it is highly toxic in an of itself. What a great compliment to the microbe black mold that is micro-sized and much larger than 20nm or the size of 2 red blood cells.

Clear Angular crystals also show up as micro sized (bigger than red blood cells). One of the largest crystals seems to have a z or angular S shaped nano circuit in it. 

The smallest crystal, shaped like a nano lemon and vaguely there is probably uric acid. While it's adjacent reflective lit up crystal --both surrounded by red blood cells-- is more akin to "5g" nanotech. And there is a lit up cyan-blue nano sphere or nano bead in the pic with the gloved hand. 

Now here's the thing that really bothers me about the nano Spheres/beads. Nano beads/spheres are typically used as delivery methods. And, without a prescription can contain and be coated with anything from mRNA to pharmaceuticals. Some nano beads/spheres are used to erect a type of nano-scaffolding also known as "implants" in truther lore of former CommanderJ ames Casbolt aka Michael Prince circa 2004.

Though I concur the biotoxins create a noticable level of disfunction in my body;- I also realize today that there was much much more than ONE single biotoxin in the droplets of blood I gave for analysis. Toxic mold, was hardly the only culprit. And the manmade nano-spheres are still my greatest concern due to the unknown Bio-tech weapons and uses they connotate as everything from Genetical manipulation, to chemical delivery, to nano-bots, and data transmitter stations.