Showing posts with label TAIWAN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TAIWAN. Show all posts

Saturday, February 18, 2017

USA owns Taiwan

There is no long term stable relationship for me with anyone USA based/ citizen. Confirmation. 
latest Rumor:- It seems USA has more confidence To Secure Asian funds through Taiwan, than to continue to do business military or ngo through Japan.
Americans believe in real money-- translation is arms deals and ATF related industry. 
Americans feel they profit from deliberately circumventing Japan. Japan is not admired. Also influenced by Vietnamese green card & American & US military DLI  /special forces 

Monday, January 16, 2017

EXIM bank closes for Trump?

If the EXIM bank is shut down, will there be a USA export market? Canada & Mexico cannot rival the magnitude of re-negotiating with Asia, almost in entirety. 
Does Trump plan to purchase Japanese Steel in quantities enough to rebuild decaying infrastructures set in place from the 1920's? It's difficult to see such a huge overhaul in this manner. I wonder if he would have his ex-companies self I sure shipments just to own stake in all land/underground infrastructure overhauls.
It has been planned well before Bush's win in early 2001. That 9-11 was staged by their private security companies by trading on the Public stock exchanges.
Now, with the migration south mostly over, I sit and wonder if Trump is taking on bankruptcy for USA national debt resolution. Not exactly a reset.
Or, will there be a outright backlash on the USA public by outsourced military police?

Friday, January 29, 2016

ASEAN banks MUST open in USA- TPP efforts being sunk by BIG USA Banks

At the Dawn of the Beginning or the End of the TPP on Feb. 4, 2016 USA banks have already plummeted efforts to the pits of the USA debt load. It has been ongoing for most of the past 10 years/ decade. And, with oncoming USA presidential elections;- what USA banks do in the interim will affect the outcome of the TPP (Trans Pacific Protocol) that has been largely booed by the American public (already experiencing the beginnings of big block store closures).

That is irregardless of the Obama Administration's Patriot Act. The Patriot Act itself inspired overt racism, discrimination of National Origin, and encouraged Feds and State and local politicians and their livid followers to devestate the lives of otherwise normal Asian-Americans particularly on the Eastern USA seaboard. It changed the face of Foreign Policy  made all that was said internationally a farce.

Just as America's banks made a huge domestic effort to turn against musicians with PEACEFUL statements. America's banks have been making a huge domestic effort to turn the political tides against persons who have overseas interests in the TPP and other Export-Import ventures. It seems that even the Large cap American banks such as Citicorp have executives in their conglomerate midsts who want to pillage the remnants of Japanese held USA debt and try to turn the tides against Japan. They won't hold their own heiled domestic standard accountable for the National Debt;- instead they are trying to eliminate all the competition that has any notable ties overseas.

Everything from failed credit protection systems, erroneous banking fees, forced closures of accounts, and letting local authorities (as well as newly hired electronic security) violate personal privacy and allowed them to commit fraud at the local level has occured in over 10 years.

Around 1980, when I was about 6years old, my father (ex USAF OSI ) said to me -- the CIA will force you to be a thief or a terrorist;- take your pick, we took pot-bets that you won't live till you're 26.

It's not just that I can't sleep many nights knowing how much they have actively damaged my life in the USA, even being born as a dual citizen. Its that they are horrendous at this point;- and my overseas family in Keiretsu is not showing they have any power or authority to handle the damage that they have done.