Showing posts with label gun control. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gun control. Show all posts

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Ban hunting on Private land!

Shots don't stop at property lines. Neither do crazed recreational hunters tracking bleeding animals. Hunters keep their guns handy 365 days a year instead of having seasonal weapon rentals.


Ban Hunting on Privately owned land. Demand revisions to provisions of Title 34 & Title 34 Chapter 25 for Protection of Persons, Title 34 Chapter 23;- to include the following;

Those persons residing at a property not to be harassed at any time, for hunters & shooters to gain access to wildlife.

That private property must be registered with the State by the landowner to be hunted by permitted hunters other than property owner, even for agricultural damage.

State mandated safe numbers;- maximum number of hunters allowed on property (acreage) at any time.

Include a safe radius from housing & buildings from line of fire with rifles & guns & projectile weapons.

2307(b)  Hunting before and after lawful hunting hours.

Post State signs/ markers where hunters intend to hunt. Issue permits for hunters out after dusk (if within legal hunting hours with night equipment). No spotting, scoping, or harassing residents after dusk.

Ban hunting on private land in addition to keeping & maintaining: 1. PA's Sunday hunting ban. 2. the Spotting Ban

Currently, Pennsylvania State does not directly regulate property owners who allow hunting & track who hunters are permitted on their property. This is a dangerous situation for resident family members who disagree with the hunter. And its cause for some hunters to harass & attack property owners for FREE seasonal & year-round access to passing wildlife. Sometimes an adjoining property owner gives permission to hunters while one did not. And some families are also international, with multiple citizenships. International incidents are a ticking time bomb.

Pennsylvania residents and private property owners should have hunting laws that make it safe and peaceable to live and use the outdoors.  Please keep everyone safe from recreational or other hunters & shooters. Some who conspire against individuals use free for all hunting as a cover to cause law enforcement issues in hate crimes and more serious crimes.

Wildlife hunters accidentally shoot people mistaken for deer at dusk. Aside from that fact, there are 120-130+ organized white supremacist groups including their militia in Pennsylvania. There are over 40 Federally recognized Hate groups in PA. Some "hunters" scope minority families despite the current Spotting Ban. Its is difficult to see license plates in the dark, identify, and distinguish vehicles. Some hunters & shooters threaten those who have already lost family members to gun tragedy in the hunting area. The emotional damage to the family is cumulative, over a decade. Some hunters & 3rd parties target, threaten, sometimes murder minority family members of those who own Pennsylvania land. I am one of the living who they attacked over decades, since spotters targeted me as a young child. Despite the gun club down the  street, there are still Sunday shooter(s) or hunters who I don't know. The off-duty police also used to shoot early each Sunday morning, year round. They shoot in the area where my brother was found shot dead with a hunting weapon over 12 years ago. And, they harassed me intensely with targeted racism. It is saddening!

This free for all or needs to stop!

Ban hunting on private land in addition to maintaining the current Sunday hunting ban Pennsylvania and the Spotting Ban.

Please regulate hunting permissions for the safety of  all property residents & neighbors, whether landowner or not. It's everyone's liability when someone is hurt, injured, or killed. Help make information internet accessible for citizens to make police reports. Not all hunters are welcome everywhere, and it's not for police to decide against minorities at time of incident.

Please Change Title 34 to ban hunting on Private Lands! Sign this petition to put a halt to the hunting free for all!

Regulations need to happen. Human lives are at stake.

Get proactive to Add an initiative for weapon rentals for seasonal hunting in order to cut down on the year round threat of shootings & gun accidents.

Thursday, October 05, 2017

The culling of the humans

The weak from the wise
What makes human demise?
Extra ability and trust in personal precognition.
Extra sensory perception.
What keeps one alive?
besides will to survive.
the culling of humans has begun. It is not about war or violence
It is about the extra 6th and beyond sense.
If u got caught in it, you weren't good enough.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

for a Fair Philadelphia & Pennsylvania

Reading about Hillary Clinton  or Any Democrat in Pennsylvania;-

Several thoughts come to my mind, since Trump has proven hisself to an ex-workforce.
There are good people in Philadelphia. My estimates are from a low income & temporary workforce starting @$9/hr over a 1 month period and includes over 3,000 Philadelphians.

What Philadelphia's low income crowd needs;-
  • FREE State or City  transportation to be more reliable workers.
  • Benefits to employers who provide work transportation to workers who make less than $36,000 a year including commissions.
  • Accessible Childcare that keeps children out of gang-fire zones to and from childcare.
  • Make it SAFE to go to work, &  being late for being safe isn't punishable by firing;- even a schedule adjustment should be considered rather than firing based on limited Company hours.
  • Adult English Literacy courses to fill out job applications and simple tests.
What Pennsylvania's 1% community needs to understand;-
  • Being Cash poor & not liquid, and having 100,000's in Assets does not make them eligible to apply for low income scholarship. They should be fined for putting in such an application.
  • The rich are taking opportunities from the poor in scholarships by" divorcing" to hide funds and lower the overall Household income so their children qualify for State Grants and financial need  Scholarships.
  • Paying someone, like myself, for a 26+hr payweek makes them an Employee who is entitled to benefits.
  • There needs to be Human Rights Commissions that are accessible and within 12 miles of any jurisdiction.
  • Adverse Discrimination against mixed-race & mixed Nationality marriages and families needs to harshly punished at a federal level. The DOD & 1% communities are creating international incidents that ignite more terrorism by being "too patriotic" of the Trump kind.