Showing posts with label Insurance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Insurance. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Presidential Address

Tonight I was fortunate enough to try some Safari Liqueur while watching the presidential address. I was mortified while listening to Bush's speech. Liqueur...a bunch of beers earlier, some Thai food... and then Bush's Presidential address happened. His economy proposal for the nation that may only take the form of carbon credits... the Medicare plan that may be for the self insured retiree candidates with high incomes only (I’ve heard over $100,000/ year). And the continual war on terrorism with the U.S. military is able to hire its own civilians for special ops. idea that mortifies me... because then how is the world to determine what is truly terrorist versus what is truly America's (the U.S.) since there is such racism and nationalism with in the United States. Or, that people like my father who can shoot well as a Class 1 could potentially eliminate the other side of my family in Japan. ;- Or, occurrences of like instances with other families and friends scenarios. Additionally, the fact that the U.S has gotten our asses kicked hard in Iraq and that we still cannot return home. It seems that 40 years of isolation would do it here in the U.S.
The perpetual reign of the U.S. enterprise over the citizens here to eliminate funding and force people to join the military and participate in the infrastructure change or a heightened "homeland security" the U.S. corporation makes significant job cuts to stay afloat and enable an elite Executive lifestyle that leaves the majority of U.S. citizens grasping for ways to live. Is the American public really going to perpetuate more of the bourgeois corporate elite by sacrificing more of today's youth just to save the increasing crime rate due to loss of jobs and an overall participatory economy?

Monday, October 23, 2006

About Primerica

So, In just a few short minutes I'm leaving for my Primerica orientation.
I met Justin. I met him at Starbucks, out here in the boonies. I'm there, at the Starbucks enough to know that Justin is there at least everyother day sharing the business plan with someone. Not dressed in a suit, he's dressed like a normal human being. I overheard his 3%, 6%, 12% talk and the law of 72. So, we talked for a couple of hours. He lent me a book called Coach and went on to talk about Primerica. How they sell Term Insurance. They're a hot new, young company and that companies like NY Life just keep taking money from Middle America.

So, I read some of the book. It's very American Apple pie like in it's content.
Good and wholesome approach to life. Justin warned me that I'd find enough bad stuff out there online searching for Primerica. I've only found some things between 2002-2006 that are vaguely coherent. So, off I go, another afternoon job hunting.
I wonder about the Term Life policies being sold; in theory every new family should have one to cover their new home until they are established.

Though, who knows. I don't understand these numbers on the Term Life.
I hope to find out more today.

Here are some links that I found helpful after my meeting today (see comments):
hello it's ALE's Blog
Bryan off Topic