Showing posts with label funding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label funding. Show all posts

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Arigato gosaimashita!!! TPP JAPAN

5 years from Tomorrow, Hawaii Time;- the expendable of the Family walked in the middle of a situation. USA & M-16 armed gunners aimed at protesters holding signs written in Chinese. It was an intense little 20' stroll in front of the Halekulani. The next day, on Nov. 12, 2011,  Japan made the announcement that they would join the TPP agreement. It took 5 years from that day Nov. 11, 2011 till Today Nov. 10 (hawaii time), 2016 for Japan to sign the TPP.

Minasan, (ChoO) Arigato Gosaimashita!!!

I cried when I read the news. It has been totemo ChoO muzukashii here in the USA.
Arigato Gosaimashita, TPP. 
I hope I (we) die(d) here for family.

いとこ  -- 有我と 
ITOKO san - Arigato Gosaimashita, Abelia/ JT "death knell"... down with the jibe.
my pocket,  still empty.