Showing posts with label Yoshiaki. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yoshiaki. Show all posts

Saturday, January 07, 2012

USA vs. Japan my year 2012

The martial arts instructor, primarily E. Li or S Kai Li or Yoshiaki Li (kendo), told me at the onset of my arrival in Hawaii that he won't work for anyone. Since he has many connections to US law enforcement up to the international level also felt he is doing his duty by "training" me and that because of my relations in Japan, he has every right to take away everything from me including my life.
He &/or his Family & students in Hawaii from various dojo's where he teaches has already taken away most things that I purchased or has plans to take them away. At the onset, he destroyed my business potential in Hawaii at his mother's instruction. I have endured 3 years in Hawaii where he and his collegues, students, and friends have only damaged my life.
He has done so will full knowledge and intent to hurt me, any of my overseas Japanese relatives, and to make his own political statement about how women should be treated in Hawaii. He has done this primarily because of my relation to my Uncle Yoshitomo.