Showing posts with label dual national. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dual national. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Re: racism @ Bucks County& Philadelphia

Is must say that over my lifetime
The racism in Pennsylvania specifically has included my small immediate family and a couple of visiting cousins from Japan. We were attacked assaulted by Whites Mostly the 1% housewives and their kids along with their hired and domineering lower class Caucasian neighbors and churchgoers, as well as African Americans and Latinos from Philadelphia and Allentown. Though not extremely close friends other Asians from South Korea and China offered the most reliable and safe acquaintence  relationships.
It is not safe for me. I was also attacked by over 15 KKK members in Hegins, PA. As well as death threats coming from Rosacrucians and ex Luthern Church pastor who baptised me, in addition to both Quakertown and Richlandtown police departments. All police departments in Pennsylvania state failed to investigate the times I was abducted because I am a minority female.