Showing posts with label 2019. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2019. Show all posts

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Pennsylvania: Ban Hunting on Private Land!

Shots don't stop at property lines. Neither do crazed recreational hunters tracking bleeding animals. Hunters keep their guns handy 365 days a year instead of having seasonal weapon rentals.


Ban Hunting on Privately owned land. Demand revisions to provisions of Title 34 & Title 34 Chapter 25 for Protection of Persons, Title 34 Chapter 23;- to include the following;

Those persons residing at a property not to be harassed at any time, for hunters & shooters to gain access to wildlife.

That private property must be registered with the State by the landowner to be hunted by permitted hunters other than property owner, even for agricultural damage.

State mandated safe numbers;- maximum number of hunters allowed on property (acreage) at any time.

Include a safe radius from housing & buildings from line of fire with rifles & guns & projectile weapons.

2307(b)  Hunting before and after lawful hunting hours.

State posted signs & permits for hunters  out after dusk if within legal hunting hours & where they intend to hunt. No spotting, scoping, or harassing residents after dusk.

Ban hunting on private land in addition to keeping & maintaining:

1. the Sunday hunting ban Pennsylvania
2. the Spotting Ban

Currently, Pennsylvania State does not directly regulate property owners who allow hunting & track which hunters are permitted on their property. This is a dangerous situation for family members who disagree with hunting and cause for some hunters to harass & attack some property owners for access to wildlife. Sometimes an adjoining property owner gives permission to hunters while one did not. And, some families are also international, with USA & multiple citizenships. International incidents are a ticking time bomb.

Private property owners should have laws that make keeping their $$$$$ costly property & those who reside there safe from recreational & other hunters and shooters. Some who conspire against individuals as hunters as a disguise designed to cause enforcement issues.

Wildlife Hunters also mistake people for deer at dusk. Aside from that fact, there are over 120 organized White Supremacist groups including militia in Pennsylvania State. There are over 40 Federally recognized Hate groups in Pennsylvania. Some of the "hunters" are scoping minority families despite the spotting Ban. Its is difficult to see license plates in the dark & identify & distinguish vehicles. And some hunters & shooters threaten those who have already lost family members to gun tragedy in the hunting area. The emotional damage to the family is cumulative, over a decade. Some hunters & 3rd parties target, threaten, sometimes murder minority family members of those who own Pennsylvania land.

This free for all or needs to stop!

Ban hunting on private land in addition to maintaining the current Sunday hunting ban Pennsylvania and the Spotting Ban.

Add weapon rentals for seasonal public hunting to cut down on the year round threat of shootings & gun accidents. Regulate hunting permissions for the safety of  all property residents & neighbors, whether landowner or not. It's everyone's liability when someone is hurt, injured, or killed. And, make it internet accessible for police reports.

Not all hunters are welcome or have permission to be everywhere.

Please sign the petition to put a halt to the hunting free for all!

Regulations need to happen. Human lives are at stake.