Showing posts with label exhaustion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exhaustion. Show all posts

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Exhaustion of domestic remedies

 III. Exhaustion of domestic remedies/Application to other international procedures

"Steps taken by or on behalf of the alleged victims to obtain redress within the State concerned for the alleged violation – detail which procedures have been pursued, including recourse to the courts and other public authorities, which claims you have made, at which times, and with which outcomes:  ………………….."

The remedies I have sought include:

1982 age 7: telling US state actor Charles A. Kneale and Japanese national Yuko Kneale to divorce.  

  • appx 1999:  My late, younger brother allegedly hired an attorney, (who was already a conspirator against his life and mine & Yuko Kneale’s),  and attempted to divorce Yuko Kneale and Charles Kneale, who were married in Japan. The Attorney is known as David Knight, Eq. in Pennsylvania.

1986 age 12: I also expressed my nationality wish to my Yuko Kneale, that I did not want to be a United States citizen and/or to reside in the United States at age 12 after a summer trip to Japan.

1992-1999 age 17-24:  I began college in 08/1992 and was sexually assaulted by fall break time. I asked Charles A. Kneale let me leave the college permanently and he refused to assist me in any way and cut off all parental support after my fall break in Quakertown, PA as I became an adult in November 1992. Additionally, Ithaca College failed to treat me as a legal adult and required my parents involvement in my housing situation at the co-ed dormitory. This situation did not improve until my sophomore year. This included Planned Parenthood of Ithaca, NY and the IRC Ithaca Rape Crisis and the Advocacy Center which at PO Box 164, Ithaca, NY 14851. Though These organizations offered some emotional and medical support at the time; the legal aspect which may have provided some safety was not forthcoming. And, in most instances, I was deterred from securing Restraining Orders against the USA mainland State Actors. And, These organizations offered minimal emotional support and guidance through the 90's (and also 2002 into 2007). I was known on campus as a repeat sexual assault victim, and at my delayed college graduation after dropping an intense double bachelor's with master's degree program within 5 and 1/2 years and on Ithaca College Scholarship;- graduated in 1999 with a single bachelor's degree. I was invited to speak at Women's Speak "Loving and Surviving" event for sex assault survivors on campus March 29, 1999.  

1993-1996 I began my own animal rights group with co-founders who I recruited at Ithaca College. I was able to secure food that was culturally appropriate and effectively implement vegan dining at the dining halls with a number of students and families supporting our efforts. Through this unpaid work I was able to have communication with a Supreme Court Attorney, Gary Francione, ESQ of the Rutgers Animal Rights Law Clinic by Fall 1996. He informed me that I needed to have my case heard through the courts in Pennsylvania. However, I was stonewalled from making police reports in Pennsylvania. Police persecuted me and threatened arrest when they took partial reports of being abducted, stalked, and assaulted & raped. I fully understand that no consideration was given to the business role in Export Import with any of my  family in Japan for the duration of my life as well as that of my late brother who was aggressively undermined from age 18 to 27 and his death on 05/05/2005. My group unofficially ended during a protest on October 26, 1996 due to my being pinned under a vehicle. However, I remained an activist throughout my life since that day. And, despite the deterrence of all of my life’s goals & ambitions when I met Robert S. Woods on 10/30/1996. I had become a national activist for animal rights & environment by this time.

11/1996- 01/01/2007;- I had a relationship with Cornell University Landscape Architecture graduate Robert Scott Woods of Tully, NY  that restricted me yet offered me some safety due to my partner’s friendships with some wealthy business families in New York and associated with Bill Clinton. I met him on Halloween 1996 while I was still on crutches from being pinned under the front bumper of a vehicle during my group protest at McDonalds in Ithaca, NY.  My life was threatened at the inception and throughout the duration of the relationship. Though consideration was made for my safety after the July 1997 rape incident. The relationship was functional though it did not offer me options for a gainful career despite my return to piano faculty in 2000-2005.  

1997 age 23: One incident in where I lost employment due to a possible gang rape by coworkers and member sexually assaulted by the cooperative market where I worked part time as a produce assistant in Ithaca, NY. I had filed a police report and made a complaint to the EEOC Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Again I was deterred from not only pressing charges by the Ithaca Rape Crisis for my well being, but also denied filing a restraining order against all the attendees to the potluck where I was drugged, and left unconscious and nude. The workplace decided to ban one male member of the Cooperative, while I was still left to the bulk of the male attendees being at work. I received a small settlement in 2000. However, I feel I was blacklisted from any normal employee work due to this complaint I filed prior to graduation of  my Undergraduate degree program. It was at this time while filing for unemployment benefits, the government employee informed me of a “black plumber” designation being associated with my Social Security Number and they could not find my name in the government unemployment system.

1999 age 24; I have an unseen hearing disability that I tend not to disclose. I was diagnosed in Spring 1999 at the Sir Alexander Ewig-Ithaca College Speech and Hearing Clinic with the disability of a super-hearing classification under Hyperacusis. This disability is due to my perception of high-frequency decibels being up to 50% louder than normal. I usually remove myself from harmful auditory environments.  I attached the only accessible picture I have of the Disability Office final examinations letter I received in April 1999 from Ithaca College.  

2002 & 2007 During my adult counseling for Sex assault and Abuse through NOVA - Network of Victim's Assistance, in Bucks County, PA. I frequently contacted  The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network RAAIN hotline of  Washington, D.C., United States and at I had to return to the political sanctuary of Ithaca, NY for peaceable assistance after 2002 due to two abductions and sex assaults, one in December 2002 that I attempted to report by phone to Lower Merion Twp Police department at the home of a North Korean news anchor on WB17 by her partner and alleged undercover federal agent Todd E. Hawthorne both formerly of Portland, Oregon. And in 2007 a prolonged incident(s) over months by 2 men at the Buckingham Twp. Engineering office that involved abduction, assault, sex assault, battery,  unlawful detainment, stalking, intimidation, etc. that the local Doylestown police allowed me to leave, but refused to take a complete report. I was referred to NOVA where I met with Phyllis Heffner as a PTSD counselor who told me repeatedly “Its not my problem” throughout the counseling sessions. No legal remedy or assistance was offered to me due to my ethnicity, financial status, not owning property, or having any financial gain for the organization.

2004- 2005; I made an “anonymous”  phone call to the Alcohol Tobacco Firearms ATF from my T-mobile cell phone number (215)-917-8685 in an attempt  to remedy the hostile gun trafficking situation with our neighbor who was also  my brother’s employer Mr. Lee Clymer of Axehandle Rd. Quakertown, PA owner of Valley Precision Company in Quakertown, PA. The situation manifested into the “suiciding” of my brother and conspiracy by Mr. Lee Clymer and our father Charles A. Kneale to force my brother to suicide. The local township officials on the planning commission including Mr. Lee Clymer and Charles A. Kneale also used their network to prompt my father to murder me with their full support. This was something Charles A. Kneale told me in a brief conversion a day or two after late Richard Colin Kneale’s memorial service. This involved my 1974 original baptismal pastor Craig Landis, of the St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Richlandtown, PA, who in 2005 worked at the Suicide Bereavement and attempted to strangle me in Lutheran confirmation class for being Japanese in 1986.

  • Survivors of Suicide (S.O.S.), ℅ Anne and Craig Landis, 26 Pumpkin Hill Rd, Levittown, PA 19056, 215-536-9070, 215-536-5143

2007 age 32: After an extensive search both online and by phone to find a shelter that would provide safety to me as an Japanese-American woman I was unable to find any suitable way to relocate from our family home in Quakertown, PA. I was however able to find temporary assistance from  His Holiness the Dalai Lama's Namgyal Monastery and the Tibetan Government in Exile on 412 N. Aurora Street in Ithaca, NY ( now currently at 201Tibet Dr, Ithaca, NY 14850 (607) 272-2785 ) and Venerable Tenzin Thutop  assisted with some culturally relevant Asian focused emotional support and housing me for a brief time in Ithaca, NY. In 2003-2004 I taught piano to minorities on weekends and had an apartment room rented 2 blocks away, less than half a mile, at 609 N. Cayuga Street. I occasionally attended Namgyal’s evening open prayer and meditation. 

Yuko Kneale called me during this time and told me of my Aunt allegedly wanting to know what name should be on my Japanese Passport - a passport I have never received to date. However, due to war negotiations between Japan and China involving my Japanese relatives. And, as usual FISA surveillance abuse is suspected in interfering with my life from my end as State actors were also awarding the Tibetans and His Holiness the Dalai Lama a Gold Medal from POTUS Bush in 2007.  I was instructed to vacate the premises due to Asian perceptions of family and politics, and not due to the American disregard of such critical relations. I was left to car camp (sleep) in sub-zero temperatures at independent film composer & former Blue Oyster Cult drummer Ron Riddle’s field outside of Ithaca, NY as well as random roadsides in the rural areas. I showered at his home or the gym to which I belonged (more frequently) And, was shown a strip club nearby to work and make money to survive (due to my piano/cultural office and piano studio move-in for a newly signed lease at Clinton Hall on North Cayuga Street in Ithaca, NY 14850 being disrupted at the onset with a fire in the adjoining building).  Regardless, I paid the office rent and frequently napped in it during the day (when I wasn’t staying with friends) until 2009 when I left for a month to Oahu after working through a sexual assault by my friend  and this time committed for a few days before Christmas under observation. I was prescribed 5-6 Invega pills and a fast acting knockout drug. After this time, I experienced what I now know to be an (I2K) image to skull psychotronic attack;- and opted for the knockout drug to handle incidents. I know this was not normal for me because I rarely watched Television or videos at the time and also watched non-violent independent movies. The incident was outstanding because of the overwhelming volume of emotional war images that flowed quickly and non-stop in multiple layers. I still managed my daily routine normally, but at night became unstable and used the KO pills to shut down”.  I was 32years old at the time I started working in the sex industry as an exotic dancer and this period went to age 34 in Ithaca, NY .

2009 age 34; I was forced to relocate to Oahu during my 1 month trip/ vacation where there is a larger population of Japanese-Americans and Asian-Americans. It had not been my intention to remain there, and I was considering leaving for Japan permanently at the time. When I first arrived in Oahu, a federal agent and DOE employee or contractor who also met me when I arrived at Honolulu airport on February 1, 2009.  He explained the system in Oahu being attuned to the high rate of international people and including Federal Agents and a small number of Interpol on Oahu. I attempted to contact the Japanese Consulate in Honolulu, HI and in person at the Consulate had too many difficulties to obtain assistance to change my nationality. I was given a single page form which I mailed to Akita Prefecture. Due to the history of Language freedom violations by US State actors, I sought a translator to assist me with the returned form. However, Due to the non-cooperation of my parents (my father being an initial state actor) and denial of information I needed;- I was unable to finish the form and return it. This denial of critical information of my mother’s immigration to the USA has been ongoing, and has affected my ability to prove for minority grant funding, but also in my wish to change my nationality from the USA to Japan. 

There were incidents on Oahu that lead to my seeking assistance at the Sex Abuse Treatment Center in Honolulu, Hawaii. Given the Statute of  Limitations of Sex assault being up to 12 years;- I was repeatedly assaulted and my life was upset multiple times in the mainland USA.  

The Sex Abuse Treatment Center (SATC Kapiolani Medical Center for Women & Children at Harbor Court, 55 Merchant Street, 22nd Floor, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813 USA )assisted me to file police reports in Hawaii for longstanding and serious issues in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. This included my reporting the knowledge of the  murder of my sister from before I was born, and other incidents where I was obstructed by Bucks County police departments from reporting against the state actors. At the time, I believe the Honolulu Police Department was also an independent security firm. However, I think those laws changed around the Honolulu Police Department and now it is a division under the County of Honolulu. 

2013 age 38; My  "ex-fiance"  the clearance level of my Ex-fiance as a Nuclear Engineer and Navy Officer. I had picked him up from the Military Psych ward. He sexually harassed and assaulted me in Honolulu, and I had expensive hospital bills, blatant negligence  of VAWA so that I could retain my housing, by the judge in Honolulu County Court, and numerous other issues. 

Through DVAC Domestic Violence Action Center in Honolulu (at ; P.O. Box 3198 Honolulu, HI 96801-3198 ) I was able to secure an attorney’s help for a temporary restraining order (TRO) and prompted by the police who witnessed the attack after being called by his taxi driver for unpaid cab fare. The case was prosecuted by the State.  I was left with other components of housing and work to handle, and was surviving working as a part-time dancer at the time. I tested the legal system on the VAWA requirements my housing did meet, and  as others were aware of my situation. 

 I managed to invalidate my lease when I applied and was granted by Hawaii State- The business name of the Landlord company  “ Moanalua Hillside Apartments” under Douglas Emmet on the NYSEX. The Landlord offered a meager fee for me to sell the name back to them. And, my lease obligation was invalidated. I did this on my own and had scared away the attorney who represented me briefly. Hawaii State is notorious for uncollected settlements and missing persons over land disputes. Essentially, I was able to find my way out of a big pile of debt we were facing by invalidating my lease with the landlord (due to their refusal to let me continue on as a tenant) where they would have collected the lump sum of a year or more of rent totalling $26k-$40k. Thus, the VAWA qualification allowing me to maintain my lease at the residence and secure a new house mate  was ignored and I was left homeless anyway, yet without the enormous debt. I used the amount from the business name sale to rent what I thought was a tiny shack room and continued working part-time with the intention to leave Oahu after the 08/13/13 court date. Hawaii State also has a rule to arrest those leaving the island who are required to be present at court at a later date. I did not feel I had the freedom to leave the state without repercussions.  Subsequently, the address I moved to in June 2013 was contaminated with toxic black mold. And, I was sick within 2 weeks, and sought assistance before the 08/13 court date. I remained on Oahu following the incident due to having to move outside and detox and clear the mold from my bloodstream.


3/2018 age 43;  I called the FBI in Philadelphia regarding my brother’s death & suicide that went uninvestigated by local police after being attacked verbally and physically for months by my Charles A. Kneale and Yuko Kneale. They both threatened my life repeatedly and incited violence against me, as is their typical relationship with me as their daughter since my mother’s experimental surgeries. The issue was again the so called “suicide” of my brother and retaliation for reporting the 1970 murder/death of my sister from Hawaii. The US State actor Charles A, Kneale threatened to blame me for my brother’s suicide as he has full backing from the local officials to get rid of me as an ethnic indigent who never works. Additionally, He threatened Yuko Kikuchi Kneale’s life repeatedly and created more psychological torture by yelling at both of us that we will wind up dead. His friend I only know as Zach, a man who lives at the small farm estate across the street  with Mr. Lee Clymer across the street, also is involved in this continued harassment and brings guns to the property where Angela M. Kneale and Yuko Kikuchi Kneale live.  And, also Charles A. Kneale and his co-conspirator state actor officials and local police officials permit one sided police reporting against me to destroy my ability to work. This I found devastating as I returned to instruct piano. It was a repeat of Charles A. Kneale and police officials destroyed my piano studio, an independent business I’ve had since age 15 in Bucks County with other state actors by 2005.

04/2018 - 12/2019 age 43; I was able to secure an interview and part time work at a new Zocalo restaurant with the paper application until 6/2019 when I found work through a temporary agency for catering and at Cornell University. During this time I inquired with Human Rights advocates in the Ithaca area about my situation and attempting to relocate to a peaceable place. I largely slept out of my vehicle parked on the street, in the frigid winter weather. I was able to secure shower at my Alma Mater Ithaca College and was parked at the campus to sleep in my vehicle occasionally in between my work shifts. My catering work provided vegan food for me to take with me. Very occasionally, I was able to stay with old friends at a home and shower. This situation has caused a great amount of distress.

Online, I found the international affidavit which indicated writing to the United Nations as a remedy and a tick box to indicate if I had tried this remedy. In late 2017-2018, I was a Hawaii State resident living off a sailboat in international waters and staying with friends around the island when I wasn’t just sleeping in my 2000 VW New Beetle aka bugging out and essentially a  homeless bartender and dancer in the USA. I began researching laws at the Cornell University Law Library. I also was able to travel to the Congressional Law Library in Washington, D.C. to do more research until November 2019 and took part time work in Alexandria, VA at the Pentagon South Mark Center Hilton & Towne Park garage service after Ashenafi Wegyahu at Towne Park offered a position to me at a group interview in Georgetown, D.C.  I had been unaware during the interview that I would be at a government zoned military installation.

 Additionally, in September 2019, I joined Targeted Justice at  Targeted Justice, P.O. Box 15990. Houston, TX  77020 due to the Twitter conversation about satellite targeting which I understand to be a result of my father/ USAF State actor who was OSI and W6 technician and Lockheed C130 engine mechanic and more as well as my mother Yuko Kikuchi Kneale working for Ford-Philco assembling satellite components in Landsdale, PA prior to my birth in 1974 and her naturalization to the USA . In October 2019 I protested with Targeted Justice at the White House Mall area and also by the Office of the Director Of National Intelligence in Langley, VA. In November 2019, I responded to the Special Rapporteur on Torture and Cruel And Unusual Punishment’s Psychological Torture call with prompting from Tarigeted Justice and by other targeted individuals.  

  • 12/2019 I contacted Local Quakertown Police Officials about the situation with Charles A. Kneale. Their standing was that it is a civil matter that I must handle on my own. Since the 2020 Lockdown and my loss of anticipated seasonal work; My life has been threatened daily by Charles A. Kneale, as well as Yuko Kikuchi Kneale at their residence and involves the same old local officials and state actors who committed crimes since Yuko Kikuchi or Yuko Kneale’s arrival and residency in Bucks County, PA. My relationship with Yuko Kneale is contingent on the psychological abuse she receives from Charles A. Kneale. And, due to her disability, cultural isolation, and age, is unable to handle the situation independently, as I act as a primary target for his psychological abuse and continued death threats that verbally began in 2001.

02/2020 age 45: February I did a national contact form and email drop for Targeted Justice to notify the FBI of RICO Racketeering by FBI officials. Since the RICO drop, in late February 2020 Bucks County, PA  began to go on lockdown, and I have had practically no income for 2020, though I received a $1200 Stimulus Check and tax return money to pay bills and purchase nutrition.  

09/05/2020, I contacted the Quakertown Police Officials as recently as Sept. 05, 2020 about Charles A. Kneale who harassed me at my vehicle while I photographed a new leak from my  vehicle that was inspected that morning.  Charles A. Kneale was known to tamper with late Richard C. Kneale’s vehicles and ie., removed spark plugs. My vehicle had never leaked before and he was aggressive at me to get lost, drive and die. I felt he tampered with my vehicle.  Over the phone, the Quakertown police officer said, “There is no proof.” and refused to report.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Hawaii in need of Bird Baths

My Buddhist perspective;- I'd like to see shopping centres installed cooled bird baths in cool, shaded outdoor places for the migratory and displaced birds & small wildlife. Since most of the Developed world has shuffled in asphalt acreage for natural yardage,  birds are unable to find fresh water sources. The obvious downfall being that someone puts poison in the water to kill the birds. It's a no-win situation for the Birds.
I was just sitting at the coffee gallery table and a desperate gecko ran up to my iced coffee mug 3x with my hand on the cup. The gecko licked the water droplets off the side. I set an ice cube out on the table where the gecko's purple younger lapped up some cool water droplets to beat the Hawaiian heat.

Gecko Leaving the scene after lapping up melted ice droplets.