Showing posts with label seasons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label seasons. Show all posts

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Soft Adieu Four Seasons!,, need a new plan

My dream last night Fred and I were at the Four Seasons. He used to tell me he liked to go downstairs and wait in the lobby to see who was around, before going upstairs. 
I got to tears when I read it's closing just barely an hour ago. 
That's after my yesterday;- I enrolled in the Unbeatable Mind academy. Everyone scrapping with me because of the 4 letter EX-IM statement has well deteriorated the top notch entrepreneurial studies has worn down the positive thoughts. 

Today I realize;- I don't like the people anymore. At least my perspective has changed in 18 years. It's not that I don't like the money. One thing, I always like money. But, it's not even close to enough. I need very legitimate money, plenty of it, that does NOT compromise "the plan" in any way.

 And I think I actually should and need to like the people attached to it.  

My brother was bonded and carried over 100k at times. He was run off the road over 10 times and on his 13th car before he was what I consider to be a murder. He tried to be positive. The people he worked with were spiteful under every smile and laughed after he was killed.

Side note about Hawaii's Japanese:- 
The American mindset of legitimate Japan is definitely looser rated like backwoods rednecks. Definitely the Nazi mindset is of Hawaii plantation Japanese folks. They have the audacity to tell me I'm not Japanese enough because I don't have 2 Japanese parents. Regardless of my actual jus Sanguis Japanese nationality. So, Hawaii has made a comparable KKK version of the Japanese-Americans it has claimed as residents for 3-4 generations. It disgusts me.

IoW:- I don't think people abroad like contracted migrant farmworkers who complain about interment or racism.  As well as calling everyone else names, and berating, and mugging and hospitalizing foreign and domestic tourists. 
And then there is everyone else, every nation else.