Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Aliens & Citizens Laws related to My Testimony


All research into my personal testimony was done independently by myself, Miss Angela M. Kneale at the Cornell University Law Library, Cornell University Architecture Annex Library Stacks, and The Congressional Law Library in Washington, D.C. in 2019 over the course of 5 months with travel. The legal training I had is informal, and done with the mentorship of the Late Constance E. Cook, former Vice President of Cornell University during my Ithacan undergraduate attendance.  

The laws listed here are intended for use in my United Nations Communications and pertain specifically to my life in the USA.


Japanese Nationality Law:  (Law No. 147 of 1950, as amended by Law No. 268 of 1952, Law No. 45 of 1984 and Law No. 89 of 1993)  https://www.refworld.org/pdfid/3ae6b4ed2c.pdf

Online:  USCA Code Title 50 and Title 42

{(FARA) Foreign Agents Act of 1979: 22 U.S.C. ch. 11, subch. II § 611 https://www.justice.gov/nsd-fara/legal-authority}

Encyclopedia set American Jurisprudence 2D  volume: {Aliens & Citizens §1923-2085}            volume: {Aliens & Citizens §2086 to End}. 

    §2099 Actions TVPA Torture Victims Protection Act

-----TESTIMONY of Miss Angela M. Kneale (Draft) for UNHDR 1503, CAT, UNESCO 104, and reference material for general Human Rights violations by the United States of America against her person.

  • {Aliens and Citizens §2180 Food Stamps, pgs 109-110personal note: Pertaining to {Aliens and Citizens § 1017 persecution of a class of individuals} {[Civil Rights under U.S.C.A. 42; §1981/§1983 pgs 626-629; §1845/§1846; §1849 Provisions & Effect of Hate Crime Statistics Act pgs. 632-633]}  as Japanese nationals (subject of a foreign state §2104) and immigrants in Pennsylvania during 1980s. Used to force my Japanese mother into a foreign agent role to distribute funds received from Japanese government officials. Time frame 1980s
    • The Contingency of the {(FARA) Foreign Agents Act of 1979: 22 U.S.C. ch. 11, subch. II § 611 https://www.justice.gov/nsd-fara/legal-authority} has always been an issue for me since my birth as a non-immigrant (§1867 non immigrant general meaning of pgs. 654-655);- because of the Japanese family relation in Japanese government and/or National Security. I have been perceived by the U.S. state actors and U.S. Public at large as a former and current enemy of the United States due to my birth to my mother as a legal Japanese foreign national inside the USA. I strongly feel the U.S. Intelligence agency, CIA and USAF state actor (my father) have contorted this law in order to dangle my life (Aliens & Citizens §2105 dual citizen) in extortion, embezzlement, and other clandestine operations against my mother as torture and her position in relation to my relatives abroad. 
    • It was so much so, that I was forced into Classical piano instruction as a career path as so called means to "avoid" the FARA foreign agent stipulation due to the change in Japanese nationality law by 1984{ Law No. 147 of 1950, as amended by Law No. 45 of 1984 Article 2. A child shall, in any of the following cases, be a Japanese national: (1) When, at the time of its birth, the father or the mother is a Japanese national; } 
    • However, by the time I reached age 15, Eleanor Sokoloff instructed my Piano & Organ teacher that I would be ineligible for the Curtis Institute in Philadelphia due to their political preferences. This is a high level of intelligence operations that has been ongoing. 
    • In the denial by the State to provide public assistance without discrimination, they additionally likely attempted to enforce removal of legal Aliens of Japan to the USA  {Aliens and Citizens §2142 Removal of Aliens who have fallen into distress}. I remember this clearly as a legal issue due to my mother showing me the checkbook and explaining the situation. I was in elementary school when this problem occured. However, like the other obstruction of reporting felonies against her and I as a minor child attachment {§2099 Actions TVPA; §2338-3a(1) Alien living in marital union, §2156 Foreign Assets; }
    • , that  my Japanese national mother experienced and told me about from before I was born;- The local police officials in 1970 were uncooperative, as were the attorneys. 
      • {Aliens and Citizens §2167 "Qualified Alien" pgs. 95-96}
      • {Aliens and Citizens §2182-§2189 Legal Services}
      • {Aliens and Citizens §2190 State's right to limit eligibility of qualified aliens, pgs. 124-125}
  • Equal Protection U.S. Constitution 14th Amendment
    • {Aliens and Citizens §1916 Equal Protection Clause} 
  • {Aliens and Citizens §2161 Foreign Agent Registration pg. 91}
  • {Aliens and Citizens §2109 Maritime Jurisdiction} - 1974- present USA not in war conflict with Japan
  • 208.12 Title 8 
    • "§ 208.16 Withholding of removal under section 241(b)(3)(B) of the Act and withholding of removal under the Convention Against Torture (1) Past threat to life or freedom."
  • Aliens and Citizens § 1017 persecution of a class of individuals}


VII. Rights and Privledges and Duties of Aliens Living in the United States   (Torture Victim Pgs 26-27, 28, 36)   (Subject of Foreign State §2194,  pg 44)

Passive Personality Principle

DNA Research Act February 4, 1977 95th Congress 1977-1978 introduced HR3191, HR3055

U.N. Internally Displaced Person: Article 7; Article 92.



  • {Aliens and Citizens §423, §424 sham marriage} On account of cruelty & emminent threat
  • {Aliens and Citizens §454-§466 abused spouses self-petitions} Unavailable legal reporting
  • {Aliens and Citizens §468 parent-child} 
  • {Aliens and Citizens §467-478 abused children self petitions} Obstructed legal reporting
  • {Aliens and Citizens §472/§474 cruelty}

Sunday, September 20, 2020

US CONSTITUTIONAL Laws related to my testimony

by Miss Angela M. Kneale pertaining to her personal testimony 

I had several of the most pertinent Aliens and citizens and USCA 50 laws posted and my message were all erased from the post 


US Constitution 14th Amendment  https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/amendmentxiv

US Constitution 1st Amendment   https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/first_amendment

FISA1978 https://it.ojp.gov/PrivacyLiberty/authorities/statutes/1286

{National Labor;-703g Title VII. 


Cited as a comparison pertaining to language freedom violations, cultural violations, and FISA abuse at home and during gradeschool for speaking Japanese language. Also due to the sensitive information US state actor printed and brought to the house after work. }

{50 U.S.C.A. §§ 1801-11, 1821-29, 1841-46, 1861-62, 1871

50 U.S.C.A. §§1801-1805b(s), foreign intelligence 105(b); §§ 1881e (before revisions date) ,§§1881a (f)(2) Evidence Detained Surveillance }  

{50 U.S.C.A. Chapter 36 §§1806 K}

{50 U.S.C.A. Chapter 36 §§1810, pg 82 Civil Liability}

{50 U.S.C.A. Chapter 36 §§1827a Penalties, Prohibited Activities}

US Constitution 4th Amendment "Search & Seizure and Surveillance"  https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/fourth_amendment

Protect America Act of 2007 https://www.justice.gov/archive/ll/docs/text-of-paa.pdf


{(VAWA) VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN REAUTHORIZATION ACT OF 2013 https://www.govinfo.gov/link/plaw/113/public }

{50 USCA Title 50 1886}


1st Amendment Explanation of Freedom of Expression https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution-conan/amendment-1

4th Amendment "Equal Protection of the Lawhttps://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/equal_protection  

Before FISA re: 4th Amendment https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_Intelligence_Surveillance_Act#Constitutionality


{42 US Code 2000e et seq Title VII   https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/42/2000e

CivilRights code definitions  regarding equal employment and language translation of classified materials from English.}

{50 U.S.C.A. 1801 pgs 5-17, 19, 24-156.2 Constitutionality}

{50 U.S.C.A. 1805, pg. 49,

Definition of Foreign Agent }

{50 U.S.C.A. Foreign Intelligence 105B}

{50 U.S.C.A. Chapter 36 §1801(k) aggreived person}

{50 U.S.C.A. Chapter 36 §§1801(p)(4) weapons of mass destruction, pg.10; "capability to release radiation or radioactivity causing death, illness..."}

New personal prayer for daily use

By Angela M. Kneale (Draft of New Personal prayer 9/18/2020) 

Dear God & Dear Bruno, 

I am grateful for my life today. And, I am grateful for all of the blessings and miracles bestowed upon me. I ask for my health and well being. Divine Insight Divine protection

I ask for my blood to be clean of parasites, mold, viruses, and any disease and uric acid crystals and other nanos. For my blood cells to be optimal and strong and healthy. For my  body to be alkaline and in Ketosis. For my digestive system to work perfectly and efficiently without the digestive enzymes. I ask for strength and longevity in my joints and skin and cartilage and for renewed collagen without need for animal products. For the vitamin C to cleanse my body, for the saltwater to cleanse  my digestive tract, and for all of the minerals, silica, and Amino Acids I require to maintain my optimal and best health and rejuvenated healing. For my blood sugar to be balanced and my mind to be clear and functioning properly, optimally all the time. I ask for your blessing of my food, nutrition, and hydration to maintain my body in completeness and for my best mindstate as much as possible.

I ask for complete healing of past injuries, traumas, and emotional attachments. For myself to be the best tuned human, spiritual, and quantum form. And for God's work to be done through me so that my actions are of God.  I ask for all of my DNA. 

I ask for the places on earth especially Oahu and Hawaii dearst to my heart. To be free from the evils of humanity and for the protection of the Honu, the Pueo, The vana, the birds, fish, sharks, whales, and all of the reef community. I ask for the surfers and divers who helped me. I ask for Da Hui and the community who protects(ed) me. I ask for the healing of the waters of O'ahu and Hawaii, the sand, the crabs, the shells, and all other ocean life in the Pacific. 

I ask for protection of my relatives who love me unconditionally and my home and belongings. I ask for my customers, friends, bosses, co-workers, businesses that supported my life. I ask for healing of the Earth. for all of the animals and creatures who love me unconditionally. I ask for blessings of the air I breathe, the water I drink, the land I walk upon, and all molecules and particles that support life in this form. 

Thankyou God, for my life and this experience on Earth. 

I ask for these things that I cannot attain on my own easily;- 

I ask for these people who I cannot help without you;- 

I ask for the Master healers and Bruno Groening who love me unconditionally.

I ask for the spirits who love me unconditionally. 

Thankyou God.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Perspective about Targeted Individual Testimonies

by Angela M. Kneale Aka Angela M. Kikuchi Kneale (Miss Kneale)

Miss Angela M. "Kikuchi" Kneale is a civilian and private individual who was born to a Japanese foreign national Yuko Kikuchi in 1974 within the State of Pennsylvania in United States of America.Miss Kneale is not employed by the USA government or military, and her normal work is as a freelance piano instructor, business consultant, and "vegan" or rights activist for several decades. And, also note that her family in Japan is generally destroyed by USA FISA and other state actors. This is part of the Basis for the Torture communication. No remedy is expected by the United Nations due to the political complications of longstanding persecution of Japanese nisei since WW2. Security and intelligence collaboration of Japan is largely in foreign intelligence agents hands and so no sincerity to uphold the rights of Japanese nisei and foreigners has been documented and publicized globally. Even despite the USA laws governing the UN. Where blatant persecution is overlooked due to other crises around the planet. 

Sproutfuel was intended to be a grassroots blog and has taken a turn into her own personal battles with USA and human rights violations.


 Woke up tonight with this letter running through my head..It's not something I plan to send to the UN due to the level of embarassment and further degredation of my person at the international level. Honestly, After reading CEDAW, and also the Interpol sites, I realized the magnitute of impact the local police and officials in Bucks County, PA have had on my life. Not only am I unable to use the law within Pennsylvania in defense and protection of my well being;- I also have been unable since 1995 to take these extenuating issues to the Supreme Court Level.  My late brother had the ACLU involved and I have seen the failure of their persecution of Japanese as well and the degredation of his life and aspirations. Essentially, despite my interstate travel and reporting of crimes, particularly sex assault crimes and abduction, the local Pennsylvania police do investigation in such a way that they encourage retaliation by present and former state actors. In this case, state actors are primarily embedded in the township planning and engineering offices in Bucks County. And, many of them have Masonic, AMORC family, Cabal, or IRA ties expressed openly. Others may be MI5 & MI6 since they have family relations in international golf course design, or are also foreign nationals and/or immigrants from Ireland and the UK. (ie., my neighbors who gained a property by misuse of a medical POA of my mother that also put her into experimental surgery that left her permanently disabled.  Which is essentially embezzlement.over $75k+ However possible part of a trust left to me due to other odd events.)   However, It's clearly on my mind, so I'll try to write this draft out here. 

A Real Draft of a CEDAW LETTER, that I cannot send due to writing about some incidents under seperate treaties. 

I wrote to the SR- Torture in Aug-Sept. 2019 and had several computer issues from the library and on my travel. I was staying with a friend at MSM NPR at the time. That friendship is exhausted due to this time. I wrote again to SR- Torture as response to questionnaire in November 2019. In this letter I lightly touch on the murder of my sister, MKultra type abuse, up to the suiciding of my brother in 2005. Including his being irradiated at the Township engineer approved Irradiation plant with a Cobalt reactor.  They also shut down the irradiation plant within the decade. Quite an expense for our quaint Quakertown hometown, again my father on the Planning commission with our neighbors.

The operative mode they used I have revealed through abuse of the Temporary agencies accepting $5000-$6000 USD payment to "buy out" our contract. And the torture, abduction, sex assault, stalking has occured from State actors within 6 mos. of this buy out. Essentially leaving a bad reference and forcing me out of gainful employment.

I also wrote to UNESCO 104 for language freedom violations, cultural violation, and violation of my right to choose nationality;- due to changes in Japanese nationality law that I was made aware of as a Child by my relatives in Japan. The law, was not respected by USA actors and I voiiced my opinon as a child that I did not want to return to USA or remain a USA citizen by age 12. The damages by US state officials at my elementary through High School were deliberate acts of persecution, pedophilia, sex harassment & physical abuse by other children, and general discrimination.

So, essentially I have written different letters to the UN;- not in best form due to the emotional trauma. And I have done so in hopes to disseminate the different portions of my testimony as a form of social activism. It is much too late for any remedy and justice and settlement/financial or otherwise as my social and financial status has decayed since my attendance at APEC USA. 

This letter can't go to CEDAW since various parts of it are 1. outdated, 2. are in other communications and 3. have exhausted in terms of statute of limitations in the USA. So this doesn't include a matter after 2009 when I was in Oahu;- of my "ex-fiance" who sexually harassed and assaulted me in Honolulu as I have already had expensive hospital bills, violation of VAWA by the JUDGE in Honolulu County Court, and numerous other issues I do not care to relive. Basically, I did test the system as other women were aware of my situation (due to a small reputation I had gained and only heard of through other Military personnel- as in my name went up the Navy Chain of command and I had also "sent a "Navy Seal to the chiropractor after some mat time in the dojo") and the clearance level of my Ex-fiance as a Nuclear Engineer and Navy Officer. He was relieved from duty after the incident and I had previously picked him up from the Military Psych ward. So;- All of the court issues are literally issues with the Judge. And, that is one wrath of being homeless I do not care to continue. Essentially, I was able to find my way out of a big pile of debt we were facing by invalidating my lease with the landlord (due to their refusal to let me continue on as a tenant) where they got to collect the lump sum of a year or more of rent totalling 30-40k. Thus the VAWA qualification was ignored and I was left homeless. So, I managed to invalidate the lease when I applied and was granted by Hawaii State- The business name of the Landlord company on the NYSEX.. The Landlord offered a meager fee for me to sell the name back to them. And, my lease obligation was invalidated. I did this on my own and had scared away the attorney who represented me briefly. Hawaii State is notorious for uncollected settlements and missing persons over land disputes. 

LETTER DRAFT - could be revised:

Dear _"CEDAW?"____________

I am grateful to be writing. This communication is to express the continued sexual assaults that I endured from early 

childhood, through grade school, through my college years and into my adult career. The nature and reason for my writing is not

to attain justice for the crimes of humanity against my life. Rather, to express these crimes have been ongoing and prevent me

from securing court orders for protection, and/or to document the incidents due to police obstruction and denial of rule of law, 

especially in my hometown, and county and state in Pennsylvania, USA. 

The remedies I have sought include counseling for Sex assault and Abuse through NOVA - Network of Victim's Assistance, in Bucks County, PA.

Additionally, I frequently used the RAAIN hotline and had to return to the political sanctuary of Ithaca, NY for 

peaceable assistance. This included Planned Parenthood of Ithaca, NY and the IRC Ithaca Rape Crisis and the Advocacy Center

which at PO Box 164, Ithaca, NY 14851. Though These organizations offered some emotional and medical support at the time; the legal

aspect which may have provided some safety was not forthcoming. And, in most instances, I was deterred from securing Restraining

Orders against the State Actors. 

And, These organizations, offered minimal emotional support and guidance through the 90's and into the 2007. 

iN 2009 I was forced to relocate to Oahu where there is a larger population of Japanese-Americans and Asian-Americans.

There were some incidents that lead to my seeking assistance at the Sex Abuse Treatment Center in Honolulu, Hawaii. Given the Statute of 

Limitations of Sex assault being up to 12 years;- I was repeatedly assaulted and my life was upset multiple times in the mainland USA.  

This advocacy center assisted me to file police reports in Hawaii for longstanding and serious issues, including my reporting 

the murder of my sister from before I was born and including other incidents where I was obstructed from reporting 

against the State actors. At the time, I believe the Honolulu Police Department was also an independent security firm at the time. However, 

I think those laws changed around the Honolulu Police Department and now it is a division under the County of Honolulu. And, 

When I first arrived in Oahu, a federal agent who met me and was my intimate partner for several years explained the 

system in O'ahu being attuned to the high rate of international people and including Federal Agents and a small number of 

Interpol on O'ahu.

Since my return to the Mainland USA, at my parents home;- I have experienced intense death threats from both my father, the Initial USAF

state actor and mother a Japanese Foreign National until the mid 1980's when she immigrated. In 2014, on a visit to my mother, Charles A. 

Kneale retaliated for my reporting the incident where my sister lost her life and my mother was discriminated against for being Japanese 

in 1970. This retaliation involved a 9mm and my calling the police who merely put him in handcuffs and released him after he discharged 

his weapon at the Family residence. In 2018, I returned to Pennsylvania and changed my residency from Hawaii State, something I regret doing.

However, the onslaught and demeanor of my Father and his co-conspirators, from the Local Township Commission and neighbors, had not 

diminished and I was repeatedly threatened by him. Mr. Charles A. Kneale has some 

type of immunity among the State Actors in Bucks County who instructed him to "make sure my brother was dead. And, in 2005 after the memorial

 sercive of my late brother Mr. Charles A. Kneale told me that Craig Landis who ran the suicide bereavement association at the time wanted me dead and

would back him up is he were to kill me. Though in 1986 Craig Landis was the Baptismal pastor I had at the Richlandtown Evangelical Lutheran Church. And, He had attempted to strangle

me during a confirmation class for saying the word Japan. 

In anycase, the death threats against my life have been intermittent in 2019. And, it also involves cyber attacks, magnetron box(es), and other illegal 

surveillance equipment. 

My full name in the United States of America is Angela Meredith Kneale. I was born to a Japanese foreign national mother, Yuko Kikuchi/Yuko Kneale 

with passport number issued in 1968 Tokyo. And,to a US father, a USAF W6 who was a Lockheed C-130 mechanic.  

in November 1974 in Pennsylvania. 

I have been subjected to various forms of rape and sex assault since my earliest years in gradeschool.

Due to FISA1978 I was subjected to intense abuse for speaking with my Japanese relatives on the phone, and again

reprimanded for my behavior of being bilingual at the Richlandtown Elementary School in Quakertown, PA. 

Though I have already written to the UN with other individual complaints, this is perhaps a different perspective of a series 

of interconnected human rights violations by the US state actors, consistently, throughout my life. And, I believe that these actions

were done with full intention to disrupt and harm my normal course of life, employment, stability, and also being 

able to interact with my family abroad for any plausible business roles. 

In 2006/07 I was abducted and held against my will at an empty apartment above the home of a township engineer and raped repeatedly.

This incident went on for weeks. And after the first days I was left in the bedroom unable to walk or even move myself from the bed. 

I was monitored to use the restroom and locked in the bedroom as well. And, I was held in the apartment until I was able to momentarily secure my phone and call  9-1-1.  

Police arrived and I was freed. However the police in Mechanicsville, PA and local Doylestown, PA did not take a full report 

about the abduction and repeated sex assault. Rather they only gave me an incident report about the Engineer throwing 

dishes and utensils at me and allowing me to exit the residence safely.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

September 1, 2020

 And there is always Evil

And there is always God.

The Branch we extend to others to be on the path to God;- was already theirs.

Though the evil offers the bridge and path to shake those &

to make fallen and broken hearts.

Spiritual notes

By Angela M. "Kikuchi" Kneale

I want my sound to resonate with everyone, every living being on this plant. To bring everyone together in totality.

My soul wants to rest from this battle. To find a place where, I am full of Joy about my existence and in awe of the Universe, captivated and in love. 

Millions of Humans are shut off from the wonders of our existence. I used to blame myself for not bieng able to affect them positively. Their spirits entagled with the quagmire of toxic effects. My heart needs repair after such interactions. And yet, I realize this path that I have discovered for my sould to walk exists for me to experience.

One day, I was at a beach. I saw a baby whale near the shore. Not moving;- I thought to myself how I would save it. Yet the whale was still far off. All I could do was ask God to help. Later that day on the news, the baby whale received help from divers nearby. He was tangled in a net. Today, I realized, I could not have freed the shale;- I carry no knife to cut the netting, I carry no weapons.

07/21/2020 PM - Music

Music is that place (arena) of the soul, where one beats their angel wings of pride orver another. The beauty of it meant to inspire and uplift the soul as it captures the childre, the sick, the sad. The tones of a perfect ideal life are recognized. Yet is that really so? And who are you to pass such judgement when life, other lives full of suffering strive for relief and acceptance among angels? Even taking on more suffering for those moments in minutes and seconds of angelic splendor. Are you, that angelic voice so full of perfection the rest of your life? Or are you giving way to demonic and evil societal practice/ To revert to the adoption of Nazi judgement over "Derelict music and art + it is to bring about more suffering of the most vile kind.

07/21/2020 - water

My water, this blessed water ~ I vegan by meditating and praying for several days. It is blessed without extra wordds and with the electrical lightning storm and thunder for sever minutes. The glass containers were exposed on the ground. The lightning filled the air so my hair stood on end. Some may ask me why. It is lightning and thundering as I write.


Containers blessed by an electrical storm. On the Pink Full Moon at the property by the Witching Hour. I prayed for the blessing and did not utter many words. I asked the Master Healers for Assistance.

08/2020 - Emotion

Fear, Fear can be genuine or invoked. The latter is to create a frequency wall or bubble to protect one from others invasive nature. 

Others typically invoke fear in the usual threatning manners. And, as usual, only the chemically imbalanced or the criminally supported generally carry out their threats. 

08/14/2020- Thoughts about developing my life coaching into a profitable business. What I would ask people in general 1st time, like a questionnaire for ethical living.

It's difficult to be subordinate to someone else because I don't respect them- due to the fact that they don't respect me.

I'm tired of gettng slammed (emotionally) by others when I turn on the positive. It's like they feel the positivity makes them look bad and they end it. 

I want to make my business happen, but the environment is nor safe and I can get by easily without my dream.

Staying focused on what works zaps my good energy. I want to focus on steering my life in the direction or lifestyle I want.

I worry about what others think of me. I've never done something without someone noticing.

I'm in a different mindset than those around me. We have a few things in common that we get through successfully together. But we don't want to break what works. So this is as far as it goes.

Somedays I wonder where I'd be if I did those little things each day. Wondering has become its own obstacle.

I fovus on what's easy. I wait till someting comes my way. I've been successful this way.

I wake up everyday wondering what I'll have at the end of it. I don't get to save. There are just too many things that come up. I have to be in the now.

Life Course - A few things and a way to be.

      Little everyday things I want to do make me feel ssilly!

     My friends aren't mature enough to handle spirituality.

     My friends aren't mature enough to handle spirituality.

                   Concrete spirituality - Bible Cross Amulet Buddha and symbols;- I don't feel I have a ton of time to learn about gemstones and all that stuff.

     I need to re network my life. Nor sure who or what to trust.

     Christians attack my exploration.

It is your responsibility to select your future. 

Asking for Divine light and receiving helps to unveil one's heart shrouded in a cloack from early life.

8/15 - Today

I realize my life work is not so I could help others. Yet is is to heal from wrongs done unto my soul. Loving myself is where I am.

Not to dwell on past is to take focus from the Future and present course. 

Repeat of the old = suffering -- Let go of everything to be reborn.

He didn't care about me enough to let go.

08/16/2020 - looks

I'm a bit too rough looking, Imperfect to others. It hurts my Feelings.

Not to ruin my life for someone else's agenda.

Thanks for the inspiration. Hear my heart my soul cry, Asking God to save me. Cradle this hurt. Repair it like a broken bridge. Soul Cords, Life School building a bridge back to God. 

Like notes with broken wings, crashing and decay.

I'm not trying to make money. I'm putting something together my soul feels comfortable in.

08/17/2020 - Hapa

Asked God to judge me, due to the Bible written by man. Declaring humans like me an abomination of sin.

I saw white light with a sun/eye in center at my forehead. And a gemstone when I looked down ~ a dark opal with gold petals or wings around it. It represents our hearts. Bright and filled with darkness. I thought like the stars are angels and the dark energies the night sky. The light passes through the darkness. Soul fragments intertwined in the demons hand. I asked God and thanked for my life. And I asked for a death that is peaceful nonviolent and joyous. 

I want to be a powerful Supernatural, Supranational, Beautiful Respected Being. Without the Obstacles of Humanity.


The empty spaces, where noone has asked me a question or held my hand. They fill in the empty spaces with lies and hate. It looks like a simple relationship. However, I am bewildered in my reserved demeanor. And to challenge every instance of this persecution is to waste the energy I need to live. So I sit and I wait. I wish pray and hope. And when light shines through my heart is filled with joy. 

If you  saw torture, true torture everyday...for decades;- What would you do to pritect your own?

Killing things ~ You don't and can't kill "Things." Only Life can be killed or taken. To use the word "things" is to disassociate life.


Something changes this in a soldiers heart, the warrior heart. The challenge of the spirit shuts the heart off from the turvulence. Yet for the Warrior to keep the heart alive and live through with an open heart is rare. Each day, opening the heart more and more. 

Killing is not amusement, entertainment. It is War upon the Human Condition.

08/25/2020 - Suicide:

It seems easy to exit this world as a solution to our human construct problems. We long to be free of borders. So why not pray more and hand our Burdens to God or the Master healers more oftern?Is there shame in this practice? After all, isn't this the goal of suicide? To be free of our burdens? To exit from the world due to social disgrace, povery and misfortune? Health issues as well. The evils of society become lodged in the hearts of the cruel and wicked. And you my friend; your heart has also become worn on the cruel and wicked path. You may not realize it. Being that you work so hard each day. Making claims to your entitlement and prowess to navigate this early realm. Yet that human game you are playin, the one where a cruel and wicked heart lies devoid of all compassion was not the intention for humankind's existence an contract with GOD. Compassion was not meant to be an instance to access those whose hearts are shielded by evil societal pactice and movked for connecting to GOd. No, You shoult "Look, I'm being compassionate for that small instance ~ say 15 min of your year. And you use everyone to publicise it! While the construct and context of that action still remains imbeded in the wickedness of this Military Industry ~ the industry of killing.   When you resonate compassion in that context, others despise the example. They despise it because their souls are weary. It is not despised because they hate compassion. It is despised because of the wicked and cruel path you place it on. 

{Like the Bible story of the good samaritan Yet you made the path the good samaritan is walking too unfriendly too cruel & devoid of GOD and compassion. For those to faithfully expect God to rescue them miraculously to heavenly bliss and an escape from the path and game you made out of the lives in this society. You put on our souls the game you want to play. The game of cruelty and faith salvation.

Yet the baseline of all life is this:  There is air, water, nourishment, sunlight, earth for physical comfort. We are all entitled to this. And we need to realize the value and quality of this place. Earth and now now that humankind has 5g and microwaves, Radio frequency that affects the mind;- Everyone who is able realizes the great impact of our basic interactions. Our thoughts because they are frequency. 

[BCI CHIP RF to the Mind} Do you want to be connected to God? This way? Some Scientist who is made in God's image like you or me to take a look around. This is the Salvation Theory if you think you will be free. It is a simple formula. To 1st pose something so horrific and impossible to overcome. Then to offer a solution.  It is the security guard who lets the criminal in only to perform their job by creating the play the incident. 

08/29.2020 2;44PMEST

"Trust and Believe in God" - Bruno Groening. I understand this is one thing, a starting point on which to Focus. Anything else is like making a mistake. THe Composition is of God's creation. THat is the Focus. My life's focus. This is practice that I must master.

Monday, September 07, 2020

Having a Veteran parent who has Dementia when you're Asian-American

Drinking the thickest coffee on the planet at the moment, just to stay awake for an endless shift at my mom's...
Things I never dreamed on my worst day ever could happen are happening now.
My folks, just a couple generations older than me who survived Vietnam and the Abomb are regressing to their old memories occasionally.
My dad, a typical USA Caucasian veteran fades out of the here and now and starts shouting loudly "I'm gonna kill you mother focker!!!!" For what seems like an endless 12hours before he collapses into a 2day rest.
For that 12hours, I hear my mom scurrying around the house as he yells from room to room. I try to stay out of sight and keep track of their location that echos in the silence of the early morning.
My mom is from Japan though. Some days he picks a yelling match with her telling the "Korean woman he sees to go to hell." Until she is through trying compete with the mental abuse or anguish of already being a Japanese immigrant who lost my sister and brother to hate crimes by the local white supremacists.
Wait quietly and let them fight it out. If I intervene, one of them will call the police for the sake of the empowering elder abuse accusation to get rid of loosing control. It's already out of control though. 
It was out of control when I got word about my parents being batshit crazy after I attended APEC USA. But, global trade doesn't mean anything now with the pandemic adding more stress to everyone's life. I figure if global trade had mattered to everyone, I wouldn't be here at wits end. I would have been able to start my startup company to flip to the hungry wolf in the room we know fondly as FedEx.
They after all just wanted someone to eat the operating expenses of a startup to absorb the profits that come from hard work of immigrant family relations.
No, instead, I get slapped in the face again by the local state actor Police. They just view Asian women as street trash hookers that belong without homes and servicing the ridf raft while they keep their All American women respectable.
This is the reality of America. This is what it really is...a bunch of scumbags who visit other nations to pick women to breed and abuse their offspring. Yet they pat each other on the back for being able to create formidable international incidents with otherwise respectable global shipping family. How this USA behavior is not outright terrorism, I don't know. They have done this for decades. And, to me none of them are any better than some pirate from a starving nation. 
So now what do I do? How many games are the white supremacists going to play? The local DeepState criminals are still running loose and influencing people with gossip in this state Pennsylvania.
Now, While I pray for safety of my mom and for my life back and hoping these things are resolved quickly so I can get back to normal happier life than this...
I am simply left cringing at how ugly and hateful these people in my hometown still are in their hearts. They will never see themselves like I do;- broke tiny Americans who should never have ventured to prove themselves to Japan as an opponent.
Their statement just makes my life miserable. They already embezzled and raped and extorted what they could from us. I understand they want what's left here and they want to take my life.
I made the mistake of thinking things had changed, that people matured. But, these people are not internationally inclined and can barely speak Spanish let alone speak the Japanese language of their ally.
It's no wonder they wrecked the JP-USA Security Agreement. 
So, dementia and my dad lapsing into some Vietnam phase is a problem I didn't expect. It's just more insult to injury. Or it's an excuse for his buddies who committed crimes to enable him to murder us.
No matter how much work I did already to affect immigration perceptions of Asian women in my family;- the USA just isn't safe for us. And I'm onto a new chapter I didn't expect to be writing.

Saturday, August 01, 2020

preparing sacred moon water vessels

Angela M Kikuchi Kneale
If you make moon water the way I do. You will be preparing the vessels with lightning and thunder.
The storm water is not necessary to capture.
However the electrical charge off the ground is magnified during lightning.
So many people claim it is dangerous.
However think about all of the creatures and organisms that live through these storms outdoors. 
The lightning magnifies the Schuman Frequency as well as running an electrical current over objects and the ground.
Placing sacred vessels outside in these storms helps to charge them. However, water does not "charge" off the lightning.
The thunder is a frequency that affects the water. 
So this is very powerful energy.
And one must prepare themselves to receive it's energies as well.

Preparing moon water vessels or any sacred vessel and daily vessel this way is just one step on this path.

Friday, July 31, 2020

lightning and Schumann resonance tonight

Early this morning while a thunder and lightning storm moved in:- I took my already lightning blessed moon water bottle outside for a cleanse. I collected appx 1.5cm high of thunder storm water in the vessel. There's a full moon on the third of August. And tonight I said tradition blessing words with both thunder and lightning.

The lightning moved closer and I was drenched in the downpour as I walked back to the house. So, I decided I'd say some prayers and sit outside to absorb the ions changing. As I did my first Einstillen, my hands started trembling after a few minutes. I felt the need to adjust my breathing and hold in despite my hands trembling while the thunder and some lightning was not far away. 
I finally decided to go inside after trying too hard to relax my body. 
I went inside and got my protection and bad energy frequency numbers going.
And, was so wet I decided to calm down, control my breathing and go back outside.
So, I returned to sitting on the step in the walkway. And started Einstillen and prayers again. This time the energies were more intense as the storm moved in.
And I was able to sit without my hands involuntarily trembling. There were two flashes of light in the trees in front of me.
The second flash was bright with a red color in the center. This made me happy after I said some of the Incantations just before the second flash.
Then, I concluded and returned indoors.
The recharge was awesome and I felt great sitting in the ionized air breathing and taking everything in.
It's supercharged Schuman Frequency too, something I've been missing since I left Hawaii to heal my body. 
This was a totally different feeling than the April full moon electrical storm that made my hair on my neck stand on end twice.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

science versus God and multi hbr DNA of Hapa mixed-race person

I still don't understand why why people who have benefits from discriminating against others were permitted to have better health insurance and surgical options to survive. And why they are permitted to exploit these health care and scientific services to prolong their lives. It seems that having an agenda 2030 and depopulation plan in place should bring everybody back to a god based society and not a medical or scientific one. Especially since people are being killed and chords by natural disaster and the corruption of political systems and Social services systems. I just doesn't make sense to me since I have mixed race DNA so to speak with 18 hypervariable region mutations. This means that not only did the perpetrators eliminate my sister and brother but they also took away my only possible organ donors on the planet. This means that I cannot donate to either of my parents due to my extreme hbr mutations nor can they donate anything to me. And that includes all other biological family members that I have. so now that I'm looking at this agenda 2030 and the depopulation plan which takes away human rights like any genocide. I am contemplating the benefits that searching human beings have gained due to the human rights violation of discrimination and cultural Violet violations within the United States of America. And that is coupled with the fact that their policies and their services will not apply to me in the future due to the impossible nature of I finding a match. So it also includes the problematic notion of allowing them to clone my DNA + 2 and to also patent my genetic material when I was a child which is a violation of human genome act as far as I am concerned. To the best of my knowledge they tried to circumvent the organism status that I would have under the 1970s genetic x that were proposed in the Congress of the United States of America they attempted to make me an organism and not human being. In 2004 there were photos of me dressed in what I call what we're standing in the waterfall area with clothes on so wet where conversation I was aware of and I won't get into that any further however if I am not permitted to have any biological options that do not violate my human rights I do not see how it is a human right to have access to surgeries and extreme life-saving techniques that require any incisions through what would normally be

Thursday, July 02, 2020

Targeted Individuals in the 5G Evolution, an outline

Targeted Individuals in the 5G Evolution, an outline


Angela M. Kneale 

Types of Experimentation:

  1. Brain Stem (early) 

  2. Brain Implants (BCI)

Remote Tracking  

  • Ultra reliable and low-latency communications (URLLC)

  • Grid density services - 

  1. Edge of Grid latency - remote radio heads (RRHs)

  2. Satellite and/or Drone Reconnaissance

  3. Surveillance Scanning Strategy

  4. Use of Vehicles for Snapshots

  • Cancellation of Interference and backscatter 

  1. Secure remote power

  2. Wireless data transfer

    1. Packet Injection

Remote Control

Of Objects: 

Massive machine-type communications (mMTC)

MEC server placement

Assisted driving

latencies <1 ms

Of the Person:

(ie., Stargate to control special operator in the field after severe injury)

Remote management


Muscle Stimulation


Control of bionics by thought

Artificial Vision - Control of transportation, robots, watch TV, etc

with BCI Cortical Implant technology (see Brain Grid and DARPA)

latencies <100 ms

high-definition (HD)  

videos and virtual reality (VR)

Augmentation of existing senses with BCI


Genetic Algorithms

Thought Monitoring with BCI - 

Record incoming thought

Affect operator with oversight

Give Directional instructions

Live Monitor communication

Targeted Individuals in the 5G Evolution, an outline 


Angela M. Kneale July 2, 2020

Other technology: Hybrid technology with Biotechnology and use of molds to create a non-damaging brain implant technology.





1. Gordon Bell and Microsoft Media Presence Group 

Life Log Project - to record a single human life

2.  British Telecom Artificial Life Team - Project Soul Catcher 2025,

Recording all input to the brain with a BCI chip 

3.  Washington University - Brain Grid - Use of any computer device 

Primate Testing:

  • CalTech Thought Monitoring experimentation

  • Duke University RNM and BCI bionic control of mechanical devices.


Artificial Intelligence application and Recording a Human Life compared to Fish life:

Fish like - 1000 MIPS ---> Humanlike 100Million MIPS

Fish & Fish pods/schools Testing: 

  • Cornell University Neural stimulation and group behavior

  • Cornell University Vivisection for brain stimulation


  • Brain Gate - Animal and Human testing since 2003

  • DARPA - Self-piloted craft and robots

  • NASA Extension of Human Senses Group- heighten senses with BCI augmented reality applications


      Related Search Terms to 5G Technology: 

  • Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB)

  • Backscatter 

  • Grid Access: radio access network (RAN)

  • New and Designer Waveforms for military applications and grid

  • Prevent Eavesdropping by Changing signal and consumer electronics signal
