Showing posts with label TPP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TPP. Show all posts

Friday, January 29, 2016

ASEAN banks MUST open in USA- TPP efforts being sunk by BIG USA Banks

At the Dawn of the Beginning or the End of the TPP on Feb. 4, 2016 USA banks have already plummeted efforts to the pits of the USA debt load. It has been ongoing for most of the past 10 years/ decade. And, with oncoming USA presidential elections;- what USA banks do in the interim will affect the outcome of the TPP (Trans Pacific Protocol) that has been largely booed by the American public (already experiencing the beginnings of big block store closures).

That is irregardless of the Obama Administration's Patriot Act. The Patriot Act itself inspired overt racism, discrimination of National Origin, and encouraged Feds and State and local politicians and their livid followers to devestate the lives of otherwise normal Asian-Americans particularly on the Eastern USA seaboard. It changed the face of Foreign Policy  made all that was said internationally a farce.

Just as America's banks made a huge domestic effort to turn against musicians with PEACEFUL statements. America's banks have been making a huge domestic effort to turn the political tides against persons who have overseas interests in the TPP and other Export-Import ventures. It seems that even the Large cap American banks such as Citicorp have executives in their conglomerate midsts who want to pillage the remnants of Japanese held USA debt and try to turn the tides against Japan. They won't hold their own heiled domestic standard accountable for the National Debt;- instead they are trying to eliminate all the competition that has any notable ties overseas.

Everything from failed credit protection systems, erroneous banking fees, forced closures of accounts, and letting local authorities (as well as newly hired electronic security) violate personal privacy and allowed them to commit fraud at the local level has occured in over 10 years.

Around 1980, when I was about 6years old, my father (ex USAF OSI ) said to me -- the CIA will force you to be a thief or a terrorist;- take your pick, we took pot-bets that you won't live till you're 26.

It's not just that I can't sleep many nights knowing how much they have actively damaged my life in the USA, even being born as a dual citizen. Its that they are horrendous at this point;- and my overseas family in Keiretsu is not showing they have any power or authority to handle the damage that they have done.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Japan should withdraw/halt moratorium on building contracts with Hawaii/USA interest

Many American businessmen say that Yakuza runs Japan and there are no other legitimate people who they will do business with. The average American business man seems to feel Yakuza legitimizes American/USA interest in controlling Japan as a territory. 
This runs contrary to the goals set forth by APEC in attempting to eliminate mob payoff payments that run in the hundreds of millions. 
Since the USA has legitimized many of these illegal Asian gangs economically, and politically within its own borders;- maintaining decent relations for business progress is crumbling for Japan overseas. 
It's my opinion that Japan should halt all business in steel and construction to Hawaii especially. It is an observation that I can't ignore. 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Turn of 2000 millenium: on USA progressives and organizations (draft)

  • In my synopsis;- I personally do not consider Caucasian women a minority group. The reasons for this is that they typically gain power by promoting values of suppressive groups in order to hold status. In charitable causes;- some of these women are housewives who have no immediate international family or have a working interaction with policymakers and business personnel. These women whom I have met hold racist values against non-white women and make significant attempts to derail some business initiatives out of spite and perceived nationalism.
  • Progressive organizations are typically run by a majority U.S. "racial" group
  • Have typically used minorities as unpaid volunteer workers and do not improve their individual situations by offering minimal pay scale wages.
  • Organizations run on an Image of Ideals and having these minorities join forces to support the organization.
  • In theory a reputable organization that upholds its values would need to be perceived as "revolutionary" since there is little to no funding available for "start-up organizations". In concurrence with this, it is nearly impossible for 1st generation minorities to gain suitable representation with the Patriotic stigma that has been created since 9-11 in foreign policy. This includes the Patriot Act and its revisions as well as the Foreign Agents act. 
  • These policies in and of themselves negate the US Constitutional ideals. The perceived enforcement of the Patriot Act and Foreign Agents act also contribute to a political Hostage situation in the USA of 1st generation dual USA/other country citizen(s) that creates boundaries in living everyday life to the fullest in the USA as a citizen. Even with travel abroad;- the USA's policies threaten their own citizens abroad. 
  • There is also a high level of disagreement between USA and other nation(s) as to the citizen status of various individuals- these various individuals being made out to be foreign agents or "different people with fake identities" by the US . government in order to instigate political upheaval within otherwise peaceable political settings and treaties.
  • "Invaluable to the Community" means that the suppressive groups that these progressive organizations join forces against turns into a dichotomy and tracking system of minority group women, 1st generation Americans, and others.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

What's Holding me Back with the Business- Any Success

People ask me why it is I have worked so hard, only to have nothing. The most prominent reason is that I have not had the right men in my life (particularly boyfriends). There is great difficulty that I am faced with in trying to establish myself internationally. From my life on the East Coast and around Ivy Leaguers, I'm just some "poor ethnic" female to be exploited. No, i can't say any of the men I've met on the East Coast have done my life any international good (Business-related) because of their racist and sexist attitudes. I have no tolerance for these "progressives" and have even less for those who aren't even close to being "Ivy League progressive".

The men I've met in Hawaii are sexually interested to the point where simple harassment is actual sexual assault in a minor way. So, I have no use for these men either. Then, I have to put up with them insulting my life further for their belief and "traditionally Asian" value system of making sure there are few if NO Japanese female executives.

I'm being drowned in a sea of sexist men for whom I have no liking for, though I am expected to tolerate them for purposes of political civility. Probably a reason why my mother lied to Japan so much about our actual conditions of living on the East Coast.

Then throw in all the "white women" who tell me to "lighten up."... They are threatened by my good genes in aging and quickly oust me out of their community for their own insecurities. This is something even my real Aunts don't have to tolerate in Japan with predominantly Asian women and men around.

So, it seems that my existence alone is threatening enough to my so-called friends and foes in the USA alike. Let alone them actually stepping out of their comfort zone and having to put some faith in believing that I have a large and powerful international family that was/is willing to give me, a female, a rare opportunity in the Export-Import world. My "fellow" Americans are ruining what the American Dream and rights and liberties are about because of their Bigoted (if not war-like) actions and words;- by holding the metaphoric gun to my head. I have had no portion of my life that I can keep sacred away from the vulgar American public interactions I have daily. I am very weary of all of this, for the name of what? Peace? It certainly doesn't seem that anyone in the USA who I have met wants much Peace. They seem damn proud that they Nuked my mom's country  and mine of Japan when she was still in it. Their distaste shows in my deteriorated life. For that they are proud.

From my perspective, they are all sorry creatures-- my past boyfriends, friends, and enemies... for not wanting to EVER believe that they destroyed what they think is improbable--if not damn near impossible to occur for a more peaceable (not war-like) world.

Hillary Clinton never spoke about helping American-Japanese Asian women like me. She only spoke about helping 3rd world farm working women. For that, I think, the USA is bogus since they will rarely--if ever help an "ethnic Asian woman" in the USA. Especially helping me with a large trans-national family doing business.