Sunday, May 08, 2011

List #1- USA SUCKS

A laundry list of How horrible it has been growing up in the USA, then add dating/marriage pressure and trying to maintain peaceful understanding.

1. White/Caucasian men still majority look down on asian & Japanese culture.

2. Most of the American men & women I have met in environmental circles have No remorse for Hiroshima and have no respect for Japanese, especially if they survive from US government funding ie., non-profit organizations, military contractors, military, etc. .

3. Many caucasian environmentalists have a strong anti-nuclear stance in some cases and support the United States having nuclear military power & nuclear reactors (though they will 100% claim it is not acceptable in other parts of the world).

4. Most of the low class try to bring me down to their level.

5. Some of the decent men know that they are admittedly not capable of taking care of me due to who my Japanese relatives are. They do not meet an acceptable social standard.

6. Alot of American men treat me badly (ie., abduction & assault- Eg. when Knight Engineering in Buckingham, PA abducted me to their home because of one of their staff, an empty apartment above a garage I found out and I was assaulted for over a week. No phone, no way to leave until I heard them talking about the neighbors growing suspicious because I wasn't seen leaving. I managed to get to my phone dial 9-11 before my phone battery died completely and call was traced. Police arrived to assist me;- however because of my ethnicity no court proceedings occured and they denied my rights as a human being, I only managed to leave) because they view Asian women (on a whole) as sex toys, not as human beings. This was perhaps the worst public instance of my assault by a prominent community member and his staff to my person. The bigger disadvantage to this is that the caucasian and other communities don't have any pressure from my/her family since they are few in number. Of course the men, not saying the low class, exploit her and disrespect her in the highest forms available and don't give her rights in court to the point of judge in normal case should be disbarred for racism/nationalism.

7. Other men & women of Hawaii, see me and other Asian women as people to exploit due to their use of violence to perpetrate their own ends. Finding that those men are more prone to instigating pimp-like behavior in my life because their own men & communities protect them from legal recourse.

8. My higher class relatives abroad are subject of jealousy for Americans and other Asian peoples in the USA. So, I have been attacked and had my life threatened and nearly killed multiple times because of my relation alone. I have found that most people in the USA have no remorse for Hiroshima. Except for a great-uncle of mine in USA who actually fought at Iwo Jima & cleaned up Pearl Harbor. Most USA patriots are poseurs in their military respect and awareness and choose to hurt me to try and play a role that isn't theirs.

Finished dating in Hawaii

It seems everything has come to a complete and unstoppable Halt in my dating life.
It's almost too gruesome to unpack. And, thankfully the rain that's been pouring for the past 3 days is making everything wet.
Dating the past week really put a stop to things. I was seeing an executive of a local Hawaii company. I had put an end to the dating since he only expressed interest in US based business, and doesn't want to get married, had a brutal drinking habit along with a couple of seedy and greedy girlfriends (and lived with one). So, go YIK. Now add in the fact that he was Japanese-American descent and not a "newbie" minority in the USA by SBA standards of 1 generation.
Then top it off with his habit to go to both Karaoke bars and Korean hostess bars in Hawaii where he bragged in his car rides of him & his friends splurging 10's of thosands of $$$$$$'s on the women. And, all followed up with a statement "if you need to prostitute and get busted, I'll bail you out." That was aside from going to a dinner at an acceptable chinese restaraunt with one of his business collegues and his "wife" who was from Osaka. The first words out of his collegues mouth were about someone potentially dying at some jobsite. And, it was followed up by his wife sending old-fashioned death threats to me with her chopsticks. My date then scolded me after the whole thing was over and became abusive.
I told one of my girlfriends about this and she simply said;- people like that are not your friends.
I couldn't have agreed more. That was over 6 mos. ago. Then he reappeared one night 5 months later at my apartment door, not just any night, but the night of my deceased brother's birthday! I should have called for a restraining order the following week.

The past week, he contacted me again. We went out for dinner and a few drinks. No major drama and he claimed that he had "cut down" on drinking. I think he just needed to hire a driver and skip the phone call to me. Though, given all that was said and happened in the past and that he's also older than I am, I really really don't think he gets it yet. He not only choses to absolutely humiliate me, treat me lower than a 3rd class citizen, but thinks that i'm willing to put up with it?! WTF... so I turned down the offer to see him again and attend his birthday at his family's home, as politely as was possible for me. Dating this Japanese-American was the most humililating experience, beyond what white racists do (where i've been abducted and assaulted), to me who is a newbie Japanese-American in the USA. My more respectable Japanese relatives want me to leave Hawaii because of dating like this--- no wonder. And, chances of my finding any hapiness in the USA seems absolutely futile.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Nuclear Generation Child

I'm a product of the Nuclear generation. I'm ùnmarried at 36 years old and have no children as a result of it. One of my parents is Japanese, and still a Japanese national, who was only a toddler when the bombing of Hiroshima occured in Japan. My Japanese biological parent was nowhere near Hiroshima when the bombing occured but was completely exposed to the Nuclear Fallout afterwards. My Uncles and Aunts who were born after the Nuclear event occured were not exposed to any Nuclear radition and thus have little health complications. When i was growing up in the USA near Washington's Crossing, my Japanese parent was diagnosed with cancer. I was barely 6 years old and was told at one point that my Japanese parent was dead (by the doctor). I was instructed as a child of 6 about the collateral damage of nuclear fallout, nuclear war, and what it meant for my life because it was so affected. Things that changed in my life at the recommendation of Japan & doctors were: `

  1. Eating an entirely vegetable based diet called Shojin Ryori by my Japanese relatives.

  2. Supplements of raw barley

  3. not putting expectations of having children or a married life on me due to birth defects concern.

  4. Finding that my Japanese parent nearly died from the Iodine during cancer treatment and that I am completely allergic to Iodine and developed a shellfish allergy by age 8.

Hiroshima fallout impacted my life in its entirety. I have lived as westerners call it "vegan" for over 25 years now. I cannot trust western medicine to diagnose me on certain things because it is clearly a money & politics game for them once I enter a hospital. Instead for many years since college, i chose alternative medicine and even found a very reputable Native American herbalist for my medical needs. I rarely take prescription medications and because I am mixed race on a genetic level, was told by a Board member of National Institutes of Health, that the cellular level they test on is for persons of the Majority genetic population in the USA. And, that the medications for this genetic population (primarily caucasian) in toxicology testing reaches toxicity at a higher level of chemical tolerance than for genetic populataions of mixed genetic backgrounds (such as caucasian/asian or caucasian/latino persons).

I was healthy for quite a while throughout my life after becoming a "vegan" and the added help from the Native American herbalist kept me flu & cold free in the Northeastern USA year-round (for approximately 10 + years). And, that was primarily in Ithaca, NY where the international student crowd and closed indoor environment for 75% of the year allows exotic flus to be passed easily. It took me 2 years in the college environment to seek the alternative herbal treatment. Mostly it was a simple intake of an herbal tincture when I got the sniffles. Never got sick after it was introduced in my life and I took it as instructed. Now with the current news and Japan, I have a new worry. That is being exposed to more Nuclear radiation. Obviously, I cannot take the iodine pills, or I will not be able to breath any longer, aside from other side effects. In my late twenties after being a non-profit work-horse and rarely slept, worked 80+ hrs. a week at low pay with multiple jobs and independent consulting gigs for business & entrepreneurs I believed in;- i collapsed due to a burnt out Thyroid. In conjunction with that it happened when i was consulting for a business owner with a humanitarian project that was based within sight of a Nuclear reactor near the Schyukill River near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I took several herbal thyroid supplements on the market after talking to another organizer at a clinic in Richlandtown, PA who was undergoing chelation and vitamin drips from radioactive exposure in Mexico. So, what i did which cost another good chunk of change, was go through all the thyroid supplements on the market that I could take. I found which ones worked best and then I purchased all the ingredients seperately and took them individually to try and isolate the main ingredient that I needed. After months of trying this, my choice thyroid supplement was standing with Deglycerrized Licorice or DGL (a $5.99 supplement on its own). And, it was the one thing that my body craved at the time. I would get mental pictures of it from my biological system when it was missing. And, it has been the only supplement that my body has Ever craved in my life. Since this time, I have lived/camping in remote areas of upstate NY as I have systematically developed allergies to cosmetic & toiletries at a higher rate, intense building allergies that keep me away from viable job opportunities, I cannot take any prescription medications as I experience nearly ALL listed side effects and some may stop my heart, and I can rarely find buildings in which I can live (due to intense allergies to the materials). In my life I have done non-profit work on the East Coast, as an unpaid intern/volunteer etc even with my own organization and done my own think-tank research due to the generally hostile political climate I experienced being Japanese-American for the past 36 years of my life. Because of the hostilities directed at me and my now deceased siblings;- I cannot see a future for me in the united states. I have been treated in Totality as "the ENEMY" all of my life by other Americans outside of my immediate family. And so, my situation is strained unless i manage to find individuals with causes to make a statement to those who consider me an enemy since my birth. This means financially, I have never been able to get off the ground to have any dream of having a home or family realized. I was fortunate for a more cultured relative, a Kelly from Philadelphia who was an entertainer, who gave me the musical instrument to see me through my childhood life. I do pray for peace, however, I feel that the USA has made a very loud statement of hating the Japanese. Even one of my Martial arts instructors here in Hawaii made a comment to me after the 3-11 Tsunami that he thought Japan is better off now. Since he seems to control & undermine my life in Hawaii, I could only take this statement of his Japanese hatred as part of his discontent with his own predominantly Chinese heritage. Someday, I hope that peace blankets the world. My life has been full of tumultuous fighting between other groups of people and their stances on a Nuclear world. Though, it is not my whole life, it is blaring so loud due to these outside parties that I can barely tone it down.

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Military /Self Defense instructors who abuse women

    This is based on a woman's true story and the author has been threatened by a man for writing this blog article.

  • He puts on the "I can't control my abusive machismo" attitude due to his martial arts background, to you. He justifies how he abuses you by saying he's defending himself.

  • ie., one instructor who has nearly every black belt imaginable a military experience background, in private would say that he's so hard-wired to protect himself that you can't come near him without his punching you. He would try to hit her even when they were watching dvd's of movies as she brought the popcorn over (once he nearly broke her nose), and after movie theater movies (which she'd be required by him to pay for) he would flip out, throw things at her and hurt her. saying it was her fault and that if anything he didn't know what happened and the movie made him do it. Though, this same instructor would go on blackbelt outings with hundreds of people who sleep in auditoriums and in rooms together, and bring back photos of sleeping in the rooms together and even of little kids sleeping.

  • He says to you that because you didn't come to him looking for lessons you're seeing eachother and have a different financial obligation to him. This takes the form of being a dues paying member very inexpensive. Mostly because he puts all financial expectations of you outside the dojo. He starts by asking if you can help some with getting pizza or something for everyone. Once he establishes with everyone that he can provide these things a number of things begin to happen to you: 1. He demands that you help him financially with his friends' weddings, and other important events that you aren't invited to and cost is in the $100's of dollars. 2. He demands that you pay for gas for everyone from his parents'vehicles (x2), his vehicle (so he can take people out and you aren't included), and anyone else who might be driving him. (this adds to $1000's in a few months) 3. He takes away anything thing that you purchase for yourself and own use - such as groceries, dvd's, and other items in the vehicle. (mind you don't live with this man). 4. He attempts to take things from the property where you live (including furniture). These are just some examples. And, when you say no to him, because you meet in the dojo-- other people in the dojo hurt you for saying "no" to him.

  • This Instructor is often attempting to be very charismatic and will bend over backwards for others in his community of martial arts and other services so that he can continue to abuse you. The most frequent thing that this type of narcissistic person will do is blame you for having feelings. If you didn't have feelings none of this would be a problem and it's your fault. He's the type who will volunteer at the Boyscouts and may have a high rank, be outstanding, and bring up the boys the way he wants to. He'll go as far as to blame anything you try to point out as inappropriate on you. Essentially his mindset in your relationship with him is that: you are to blame for any accusations brought on him. There is NO normalcy of interpersonal interaction with him. If he told you that you have to sleep with him because he thinks its good for you, he'll make sure you do so on his terms. And, if you have any feelings about it, he will scold you and call you crazy and make other damaging mental/emotional comments at you.

  • This Instructor will even go as far as to get other students to abuse you. One day this woman was in class and one of the Navy Seals hit her in the back/near kidney really hard for no apparent reason to her. This Instructor then announced that if there were going to be any extra hits (to this woman he was using sexually) that the men there would have to pay him. The next day she had blacked out at the instructors house/dojo in the bathroom and was concious enough to remember him tossing her in the back of his truck and then dropping her off at her home. She was laid up in bed for 5 days before anyone came to check on her. He returned, and realizing how bad the injury was he took her to his martial arts friend& instructor. In the meantime, he didn't call, didn't stop by, and didn't care. She had moved to Hawaii alone, with funds to set up her new life and business, and this Instructor took away what would have been a decent and nice life with actions like these.

  • This type of man also will deny any and all accounts of what he has done to abuse you. His major standing arguement is that "it's not his fault" if any other harm comes to you. Because he doesn't view what he does to you as "abusive." He has an inability to genuinely care about your well being. Additionally he has absolutely no remorse for what he does (primarily to protect his own survival.) Essentially in this arguement of his being faultless, "he denies any and all cause & effect relationship of his actions in your world."

  • He will deplete you financially so that you are in one of the most undesireable positions financially to be able to leave. In one woman's case, over a 2 year period, this man took away her financial security in a matter of weeks. She had moved to Hawaii and only had a car rental, after that she was unable to secure her own transportation. Over the course of the time period, seeking attorney, and being denied because of the attorneys' fear of the man' background;- she is in a position where she has been stalked and nearly raped/mugged several times near her home. When she expresses this to him, in a desperate form of irrationality, he simply says that he doesn't need to care because it's not his fault. He confirms to her that he is simply abusing her, and/or simply does not care about her welfare. In a minor sense, when he says that he's taking you to lunch or dinner or something, it typically means over 90% of the time that he's going to pick you up and you woman is going to pay for it. He (ex/current Green Beret) tells you that he has no money because of his situation, despite other military men who have been investigate him a bit telling you that he has plenty of money and is abusing you for the sake of abusing you. Its also a known fact with other military people whom you live with despite being a civilian yourself. Additionally other military men have advised you to stay away from this person, and you do;- but he calls you or stops by. This man never adjusts his behavior towards you yet will tell you that he cares about you when you're upset. And, he has expressed his full intent to do this from the beginning that he would take your SSN and run you into the ground and that his last engagement/fiance/ girlfriend died in some unfortunate accident or suicide.

Mental & Emotional Torture

  • This man mentally and emotionally totures this woman who he formed some bond with.In one woman's case, whose brother died, this man frequently told her that he would be her brother. To her, she was horrified, because he had often collected her personal information during their time together. He claimed to be helping her at first and got her resume, and as many professional details from her as possible. He went so far as to take several photos of the things in her apartment when he stopped by, and after the "sexual exploitation" period stopped, only stopped by her place with another larger man with him. As the abuse went on, he threatened her and told her about how he goes to other states and commits identity theft crimes. She began to realize that because he was only seen in her life for maybe a 1/2hr to 2hrs on any given day that he was simply monitoring her. And, even during the period when he would have sex with her that lasted for nearly 2 years, he never hugged her or kissed her. Even when she requested that he change his behavior because it made her uncomfortable with him in her life (early on) he complained about it. He also went on later to divulge to her his like for Korean bar girls, that he liked and made a promise to a teenage girl, and that his mother wouldn't approve of his being with her because she wasn't a sex worker.