Showing posts with label China. Show all posts
Showing posts with label China. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Facsimile Arming

Subversive university actions @ commencement closings. Military turf is campus.  China takes actions against Jews, Egypt, fascism. 

Friday, November 20, 2015

USA should take Hawaiian tribal funds

Since M-16's were prevalent with dozens of snipers at APEC 2011, and even a Hawaiian-Chinese Kahuna & Olohei was sent to the airport to interfere with my Japanese-USA business plan;- it seems that USA should make efforts to freeze and or confiscate funds of the Hawaiian tribe. The USA is using Hawaiian tribes to interfere with international Efforts to maintain a peaceable business environment and to exacerbate war interests by side-stepping head on attacks to private individuals, families, and other international interest. 
They also make zero reparations and the Hawaiian tribal community (whether carrying a U.S. Passport or not) is making advances towards War between Other Asian nations from USA territory/lands.

Monday, November 07, 2011

Reflection;- China/USA business relation

What does the China/ USA business relationship mean to the masses of out of work Americans?
First, we have to look at a simple fact;- Many Americans value money over human life.
The Average US worker in almost any industry spends probably 25% or more of their time at work complaining. Usually the complaint is that they are not making enough money for their work. The next part is that the US business owner, especially over the past 15 years, has gotten weary of hearing the complaints. And, for a fraction of the cost of keeping the US worker employed;- The business owner can outsource the work to China and hire a manager and his factory workers to do the work. Now, the production of goods costs the US business owner less and takes up less of the owner's time. This means that the US business owner can now start other entrepreneurial ventures and take away work from more US workers. And, the US business owner still has even more time!
Now, what about the Chinese business owner and manager and his factory workers? Well, they are doing all of the work that the US workers used to do at a fraction of the cost. When it was just a little bit of work, things were o.k. Then, the work being sent to China got to be overwhelming and instead of complaining to the Boss, the factory workers decide how to resolve their issues. Sometimes, they simply don't listen to the Chinese boss, and make a product to be sent to the USA green instead of red. Other times, they might be short ingredients for food and add toxic lead powder to dust the otherwise edible noodles. And, even things that are meant to be made of stone or a gem can be made of a very good yet toxic fake plastic to be sent to the USA. This way China's precious resources are not leaving the country;- yet they still have toxic by products of the plastics and other materials from which they made parts, toys, shoes, etc.
But, for the most part up into the early 2000's this behavior went relatively unnoticed and could be controlled. And, both USA & Chinese business owners & managers were happy they had more money and time. The workers on both sides got fed up but were controlled.
Now, it's been 15 years, and the USA & Chinese workers see the numbers and the demand from the USA public consumer. The consumer wants more product at a lower cost. So, the only way to do so is to send more work to China and other poorer nations where the work can be done in "sweat shops".
The USA financial industry and banking system Culture is foreign to China. And, so China shows some interest in adopting this system of mortgages, banking, and credit since (until the last 2 mos) the USA seemed to thrive with this system. The USA finance industry would be happy to negotiate and do business with some Chinese business persons to do the same thing in China.
The one thing that is any country person's option to survive is to join their country's military.
Eventually, this may take more than 10 years, but war is on the horizon. And, it is because many
people do not value human life and want to chase dollar bills and American money. There is a trade off to live a dream, even for a short time. That trade off, as we can see today, is going to come in the form of war, poverty, and strife. Not even mentioning the environmental problems we have today as a result of pollution, overpopulation, and global warming.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Past midnight thoughts

Bush: U.S. will stop N. Korea nuke moves
President Bush said Wednesday the United States would stop
North Korea from transferring nuclear weapons to
Iran or al-Qaida and that the communist regime would then face "a grave consequence."
Web reference: AP article on Yahoo! News, Bush: U.S. will stop N. Korea nuke moves

This article headline seems quite difficult to pull of. It is known that there is al-Qaida presence in China as well as other parts of Asia. It seems to me that there woul most likely need to be a hand-off of missiles and weapons from N. Korea, to China, and through. Many people in China have behavior much like Americans. That being "need to make money, will do whatever they can get away with". So, how in the world does the U.S. plan to punish anyone. It seems that U.S. presence in Vladivostok is necessary to some extent for monitoring purposes. Since the U.S. was forced out of China there is less monitoring that can be verified by U.S. sources. China and Guangzhou, China are still creating affordable assault planes that are up for sale.
It is difficult to understand how the U.S. plans to implement any form of punishment on North Korean war-like actions without bombing the crap out of them.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Guanzhou, China - Oil, Ships & Profit

Oil, Gas & Power
China's total installed power generation capacity is expected to reach
818 mln kW by 2020, topping the world, the US Energy Information Bureau
forecasts. (China Securities Journal, A.10)

Website Reference: Interfax Article:

Though, There is unconfirmed news from Reuters UK that China has just sent an Envoy to speak with North Korean officials.