Showing posts with label Ex-Im. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ex-Im. Show all posts

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Clinton VS TPP - TPP was always a Clinton Farce.

In Hawaii, there is a high turnover of US Naval military forces. Due to this turnover, I have met more than a dozen Navy Seals and other US military special operatives & ex special operatives military. Most of them have considerable pull in the military community. Most of the ones whom I have met absolutely HATE Hillary Clinton. They also seem to be animatedly PRO Donald Trump.

I can't say I agree with either 2016 presidential candidate, though I would try my best to err on the side of world calm & peace & non-violence. Wow, that leaves me with? No choice. none that is any good. In the past I would have voted for Hillary just for the fact that the USA hasn't had a female in Office. That alone is huge. Then add in the fact that she is a mother.
However, with her current stance on the TPP and making internal domestic changes, I can't blame her for being AGAINST the TPP that she purported in 2011 APEC here in Honolulu. After reflection of the past 20 years of my life with 9 years around the Clinton boys in Ithaca, NY. I really can't say that it seems to me that they EVER intended NOT to promote a WW3. The Clinton Boys crowd paid my ex to prevent me from paying my bills, leaving the USA to see my Obasan (Japanese grandmother) as well as other (150) relatives in Japan. They directly undermined my Japanese citizenship and put me into a Stateless issue when I leave the USA. I have in fact been held a HOSTAGE in the USA by the Clinton crowd. And, then they directly contributed to making my financial life dysfunctional in entirety.

In addition, today (after a day notice that her office opened in Honolulu, HI this morning), I showed up just to converse. I met Doug Pyle who is the Vice Chair for the Democratic National Committee Hawaii. He seemed to take a subtle abusive male stance in asking me if I could comprehend anything. That alone made me fume. Let alone his "inability" to say a Japanese family name to whom I have direct family relation. That aside from his admitted limited understanding of International Laws and EX-IM issues. So, despite his coming from a "public health background" the USA yet again FAILS to place entirely domestic people OUTSIDE of the international community where they are less disruptive. This is Hawaii. Minority and National discrimination has taken on a new meaning for 3rd and 4th generation Americans of Japanese descent. They SCOFF and ridicule people like me for being born of dual nationality as they are doing their best to undermine my validity in USA culture.

SO, despite ASEAN telling me that they DON'T NEED the likes of the Trans-Pacific Protocol TPP in 2005;----(long pause) The Clinton Crowd already Proved their intention in my life by 1999/2000.
I got away from them in 2000 and was able to piece my life back together till 2005 (despite being abducted 2x by IRA related Golf Course people in 2006 and an American Caucasian North Korean associate @2002). It took 5 years to get back to surviving on my own after college graduation in 1999. Then was destroyed by the Clymers in Pennsylvania and other Republican and White Supremacists as well as trying to prove themselves NAACP people who ganged up on me and killed my brother. That loss was HUGE in 2005. 
It's ever so difficult for me to see HOW exactly we aren't going to Have a WW3 with the USA.

America scoffs at my Japanese relatives and family members. And, the USA has trashed my life in entirety in a display of "Freedom" that reads worse than the news I read of women trapped in a Muslim Country.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Amazing USA- I'm over it -rant end of Feb

So, you USA folk like my mean-spirited parents think your laws mean something when it's convenient or inconvenient. I personally have lost interest in continuing in the USA since most executives I have met. As well as politicians and bankers only have interest in a ww3. That is coupled with the general mass of Americans who vote in the USA being a pep rally for those who they complain about ( though I'm deafened to hearing positive people as substitutes). 

 I'm a person who customs brokers introduced themselves to me and you and your filthy minions expect to "help" me?! Hope your happy with WW3 because you are worse than anyone who calls themselves a mechanic yet can really only put gas in the vehicle and maybe clean the windshield

Sunday, September 07, 2014

Japanese American woman perspective- APEC from the USA side

Today I' writing after much contention as it was my goal and intention to create more peace. The people working against me and the intentions of my Japanese grandfather Kikuchi, Hirokatsu who was a Governor in Japan's Akita prefecture. As his granddaughter, I should be protected under provisions made by the Vienna Convention. However, throughout my life the USA has detained me from leaving to Japan and China by not only squandering my accounts, damaging and not delivering mail, but cancelling my plane tickets as they see fit.
 I was asked to leave Hawaii for the East Coast USA springtime 2014. However, since the Patriot Act created this hostile environment on the East Coast for me with Homeland Security;- I am unable to accomplish even small tasks and am fearful for my life.

 In the past near decade I have been assaulted financially, physically, politically, sexually by those who claim to work for the United States government, Navy, Army, Marines, CIA, not excluding US politicians with private interest in starting a war between Japan and China.   This includes men who claim they are connected to President Obama's personal security when President Obama visits the Hawaiian  Islands.  The total of the damage has left me poverty stricken & homeless in Hawaii since I was forced into the Hawaii Bar scene by a federal agent from a well known Hawaiian/Chinese family;- who also behaved as a pimp taking all of my earnings for most of 2 years; in order to instigate future lawsuits due to his family's pre-existing problem that compromises his role in a Security requirement of good credit. This is all despite my role within my international family & USA at Hawaii's hosted Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) 2011;- goal; to bridge and connect Japan &; USA (TPP) in a more peaceful way for a new generation of business leaders.

My daily life in Hawaii is less than desirable. Most of the 3rd & 4th generation Asian-Americans in Hawaii still speak with a speech impediment and out rightly show their Hatred of New York and laugh at the demise of the city for 9-11. I still wonder how it is that these people are even acceptably American as they direct their hatred at me for being raised on the East Coast. I may have been born with dual citizenship;- however I actually find New York state more of a home than other places on the Urban east coast. If I were to reside in Hawaii;- I would want to see already proven senators and representatives from Urban America make a run in Hawaii to bring it up to a modern speed. The antiquated Asian slavery and rights system this state still upholds in reality is heartbreaking.
Many of the "well off" Hawaiian families seem to sponsor Asian "mail order brides" and choose to work overtime on destroying sexual equality at most levels of their society. Personally for me as an American woman who lived with a female Republican senator who passed Roe Vs. Wade;- The business climate in Hawaii is incontestably sexist and harmful to my psychological and emotional health. Hawaii's business climate does not allow for differences to work to a greater end goal. It is very much about men controlling the women who have business interest. And, then the women here are petty and undermine each other due to jealousy and small mindedness. The men here have no respect, and most of the women here are bent into subservient Asian roles;- where even politicians are largely swayed to vote on bills by 'Cultural' preferences instead of American standards of equality and decency. I don't care to live in a state run by a Japanese-American 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

What's Holding me Back with the Business- Any Success

People ask me why it is I have worked so hard, only to have nothing. The most prominent reason is that I have not had the right men in my life (particularly boyfriends). There is great difficulty that I am faced with in trying to establish myself internationally. From my life on the East Coast and around Ivy Leaguers, I'm just some "poor ethnic" female to be exploited. No, i can't say any of the men I've met on the East Coast have done my life any international good (Business-related) because of their racist and sexist attitudes. I have no tolerance for these "progressives" and have even less for those who aren't even close to being "Ivy League progressive".

The men I've met in Hawaii are sexually interested to the point where simple harassment is actual sexual assault in a minor way. So, I have no use for these men either. Then, I have to put up with them insulting my life further for their belief and "traditionally Asian" value system of making sure there are few if NO Japanese female executives.

I'm being drowned in a sea of sexist men for whom I have no liking for, though I am expected to tolerate them for purposes of political civility. Probably a reason why my mother lied to Japan so much about our actual conditions of living on the East Coast.

Then throw in all the "white women" who tell me to "lighten up."... They are threatened by my good genes in aging and quickly oust me out of their community for their own insecurities. This is something even my real Aunts don't have to tolerate in Japan with predominantly Asian women and men around.

So, it seems that my existence alone is threatening enough to my so-called friends and foes in the USA alike. Let alone them actually stepping out of their comfort zone and having to put some faith in believing that I have a large and powerful international family that was/is willing to give me, a female, a rare opportunity in the Export-Import world. My "fellow" Americans are ruining what the American Dream and rights and liberties are about because of their Bigoted (if not war-like) actions and words;- by holding the metaphoric gun to my head. I have had no portion of my life that I can keep sacred away from the vulgar American public interactions I have daily. I am very weary of all of this, for the name of what? Peace? It certainly doesn't seem that anyone in the USA who I have met wants much Peace. They seem damn proud that they Nuked my mom's country  and mine of Japan when she was still in it. Their distaste shows in my deteriorated life. For that they are proud.

From my perspective, they are all sorry creatures-- my past boyfriends, friends, and enemies... for not wanting to EVER believe that they destroyed what they think is improbable--if not damn near impossible to occur for a more peaceable (not war-like) world.

Hillary Clinton never spoke about helping American-Japanese Asian women like me. She only spoke about helping 3rd world farm working women. For that, I think, the USA is bogus since they will rarely--if ever help an "ethnic Asian woman" in the USA. Especially helping me with a large trans-national family doing business.