Showing posts with label China. Show all posts
Showing posts with label China. Show all posts

Saturday, August 06, 2016

Japan sea wall in ocean

If China nuked/ sent missiles at the nuclear reactors Iin Japan at once, it would create a natural defensive barrier over many kilometres. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Ban USA religious volunteerism

Recent USA news shows the racial disparity between American Christians within the USA. For a worldwide peaceable business economy, I personally think that USA religious groups should be banned from travel abroad. 

USA Humanitarian efforts should be constrained to humanitarian actual efforts only and not impede growth and politics
Humanitarian efforts should be constrained to humanitarian actual efforts only and not impede growth and peaceable politics. Online interactions already are a safe way for USA to infiltrate countries with global capitalist values and white based Christian value systems. 
 Respect for Collective Mindsets is lacking in interactions with the USA American Culture
More non-denominational schools for youth should be encouraged to finding peaceable international business solutions. Possibly with a broad scope of cultural religion and customs for positive interactions with collective mindsets that enable other humans to exist in other areas of the planet with reasonable peace (regardless of government & political form). 

There are slews of USA children who travel outside of their home countries to do "volunteer work" or "missionary" work.  They are taught that the people they help are poor because they aren't Christian.

Instead of rallies of religious arguments against the world's people and those who are have other beliefs besides Christianity;- there should be a ban on USA religious missions to other countries. 
One thing is that it doesn't represent everyone in the USA. And the Christianity I have experienced is highly racist and in line with an American parallel to the old Nazi regime. 

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Globalized Clothing is "Fashion"

Globalization of the world is happening. One thing that containers and shiploads of clothes contains is the globalized interpretations of what used to be cultural prints and patterns. 
No longer on homespun from a loom, the "tribal" designs have left villages and virtually evaporated. Instead, there is a cacophony of "culturally or tribal" inspired design from the Caucasian globalism fashion regime. The stores that plague the American landscape in heinous strip mall force contain the battered products of a sweatshop global culture. 
They say, if it weren't for globalization and America, these workers would be penniless. 
Penniless is more affordable and luxurious compared to the garbage heaps and toxic air America's globalized tribal village has created abroad.
That is of course, while the American Elite remain harsh and progressive critics of using anything except organic fabrics. It's all gotten to be too late before the next population Explosion.

Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Ex-im look at it this way Atlanta

They put a hit out on me, that is Atlanta, GA. so they have helpin Hawaii from local Chinese-Hawaiian maffia. And some NAVY SEALS.
I'm lucky to be alive, though everyone in Hawaii agrees that my misfortune is setting the bar to anger the right people in the right places to set up for WW3. They thank Hawaii for this.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

USA mindset & copyright - Call for UNESCO Governance

  1. Translate world heritage & Copyright it ( and may OWN the proprietary rights and profitable value to it.) 
  2. Deny minority (non-Caucasian) mindset of their value. (value only non-Caucasian)
  3. Build Social discrimination within their own Country through their teachings
      1. Usually begin with an aggressive mindset and separation towards outside world community.
        1. begins a teaching by excluding those who don't share their Caucasian mindset
      2. devalues minority who has more cosmopolitan background, mindset, experience & impress emotional if not physical suicide on the individual to show domination.
      3. Uses this as a Domestic Fear-Based Mindset
  4. Adopt understanding of another Culture or religion (particularly Asian) to appear less abrasive to the domestic minority population. HOWEVER, maintain same oppressive language and behavior on the newly established minority playing field. 
1. Uses Globalized English
2. Is manipulated by a caucasian majority
3. Mentally & Emotionally Abusive and disresprctful of Non-Majority mindset from Other World Culture/ Countries. 

Monday, June 13, 2016

North Korean Surfing Trip

Some things that could wrong with the Trip Itenerary to visit North Korea;- Ok not that I should be thinking about going to North Korea at all being that they abducted one of my cousins from an Akita, JP beach.
However, If someone wants to sport appx. $4000 to see how far I make it on the trip;- i'll sign up. And I'm Tan from the Hawaiian sun.

Orientation in China
#1 - Japanese restrictions on travel to China. And, since USA doesn't acknowledge my Japanese family and called us Japanese garbage;- Someone will probably cancel my flight who knows better overseas. I have gotten a Chinese Visa before, however with misspelling of my name. The name being misspelt can create issues if trying to LEAVE China, even if they allow the entry. 
 America is politically insensitive lets anyone go anywhere and ignores important things like its own security agreements and international families that are larger than the Kennedy's. 
Oh yes, and the rumor that being Christian is illegal in China and currently being enforced and punishable by Death. 
In 2005 after my brother was murdered, i helped some 25 Chinese Exchange students as I saw an organization called People Link bringing 400+ Chinese exchange students to our very Racist Philadelphia suburb. Some of the Children were sons and daughters of the more educated and elite in Chinese Universities and Government. The Children were aged 8-16 and accompanied by 1 young adult translator. I stepped up to the challenge since the Philadelphia area's racism typically would result in a slew of Foreign Exchange students being dropped off at our doorstep like a litter of unwanted kittens. Some of the stories I heard throughout my life that came back to me to try and assist in the area included 10 year olds being thrown out on country roads with a sign that said they need a home (because they weren't Christian) The American host families voluntarily signed a contract for the responsibility of caring for an international child visitor knowing full well that the children were coming from China and were not Christian. Several dozens of children went through similar ordeals that one year (though It was a problem in the Philadelphia region for DECADES and included Japanese students).

#2. - Tourist of Pyongyang;- Despite peaceful intentions of those who organize peaceful efforts. Actions against Citizens of countries that are highly disliked can occur. 
  In 2004, on a private business recon of Thailand after the Tsunami;- I was invited to China by a wealthy French Export-importer. I stayed up on the politics with Japan and China then, and decided I would wait a month instead of easily going on the day visas. Because of my Japanese family relations, I had great business concerns. And, within a week of turning down the offer, a number of Japanese tourists (including women) in China were mobbed and beaten/assaulted at another Anti-Japan protest though with escalated violence. The first publicised Toyota burning in English occurred in the months before my brother's death in the USA. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Hawaii updated Skyline

General consensus:-
Hawaii's skyline is "laughable" with poor outdated design choices that resemble prisons and hospitals. 

Monday, May 02, 2016

If Russia were to invade NoKo

North Korea is annoying. It would be interesting to see Russia invade North Korea and babysit Kim as a North Korean Leader & Government in Exile to Siberia. Giving Tibet's governement officials a new home in the North Korean capital might stir China's brevety, but it might add some balance to the tumultuous Asian mini-nation. 

Sunday, May 01, 2016

ASEAN Families before USA policies

I picked up a newspaper today from the hotel concierge. I've been living the past 5 months In Hawaii between the North Shore surf contests, a dojo in disrepair, & hotels on the weekends. 
If the USA were treated as unfair in a trade group, as I was born to their country and treated so badly;- there wouldn't be much left of the USA. It wouldn't matter if the provisions  of a trade deal were broken, despite threats and USA congress. That is aside from any other economic policies that effect total USA economic superiority. My prior role as an expoditer will not matter much in the near future as USA does not acknowledge or respect those of us whose families are already involved in actual international trade & shipping. Rather, the USA rapidly attempts to execute our families in entirety in exchange for its own subversive underground and military plan. 
Despite my Japanese and Chinese heritage, I cannot at all blame China for disallowing aggressive USA forces to its gateway shores.  

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Chinese steel. It could be worse- glimpse into future

I avoided CIA clandestine ops recruitment as per my relatives request. The below is fantastical hodgepodge of scenario ideas for a movie. No Black ops  here.

AKS-47 made in China. What could be worse than steel dumping is if China were to flood some of the oldest trade routes from Siberia to Africa with weapons. Then US special forces wouldn't need me, yours truly, to open American sponsored TPP trade routes to get weapons to their clandestine ops & troops. They also wouldn't have to bother to try and help me here in the USA (believe me they don't in any substantial capacity as I'm looking at well over $590,000k in clearances & licensing alone not including other startup funds while I remain homeless).

Japan, Korea, Russia, & China agree to set up a political sanctuary off the Kamchakta peninsula.

China decided to dump steel and then put sanctions on USA imports as an additional security measure. China entered into trade talks with ASEAN member countries.

US closed manufacturing in China due to cut subsidies for opening business overseas from 1999. USA tries to make shipments of such goods before an embargo takes hold in 2017 due to its inability to meet Trans Pacific Pact standards. China & the EU make a deal to take the embargoed goods and donate them for refugees as a eency weency part of USA debt repayment.

My experience in the States:- The USA valued itself above the totality of the rest of the world. The role I was asked to serve is to knowingly sponsor worldwide American terrorists who belong to a variety of terrorist groups as diverse as the National backgrounds that can be found in the USA Homeland. Some had American military above top secret clearance and still want weapons to "play with Asian politics". The USA only spoke of their ability to fight the war on terrorism as a means to gain access to crucial, & strategic trade routes that are some of the oldest trade routes from Asia to Africa. The future looks bleak from the USA side to me. 

White America calls Hawaii "Garbage"

I wish I were sitting  next to Teddy Roosevelt this morning, founder of of the USA National park system. Instead it sounds like I was sitting about 2 bar chairs away from a developer planning to destroy Hawaii.

At breakfast this morning a Caucasian couple were discussing bringing jobs to Hawaii. They called the Kaneohe landscape "Garbage", the man called me garbage, and that they need to "get rid of it" so they can "get jobs to more people they will bring here" and "get rid of the local "garbage" citizens as well. 
They sat to the left of me. 
My breakfast view looking down. 

Not the kind of breakfast I want to stomach, being peaceful and trying to relax on my own. Seems like quite a few mentions of building contracts going on. Everyone else's problems are theirs.

Friday, April 08, 2016

Unpacking Asians on Oahu

To most mainlanders, all Asians are the same on Oahu. Hawaii is a more complex state and is diverse with a segment of non-English speaking. It is a  Hub of international & domestic legitimate business, black market business, government contractors, mafia families & Bloods, high school gangs & kid drug dealers, private USA citizens, and military soldiers of all branches.

People of Asian descent on Oahu

1. "Hawaii born Locals"migrant farmworkers from China & Japan who came to Hawaii long before the USA took it over and declared Hawaii the 50th state for statehood. 

2. International tourists from All Asian nations.

3. International military from Asian nations  including China & Japan.

4. International land owners - hold Hawaiian land and or building/ air space rights.

5. Mainland raised 1st generation Asian-Americans who transplanted to Hawaii during the Patriot Act especially.

6. International Gangs/Mafia - Many
- Yakuza are from diverse international backgrounds (White, Black, Korean, Vietnamese) yet operate through Japan. Japanese Yakuza are more frequently from the Big Island/ Hilo. 
They are especially known with the USA military crowd as their go-to for women in the sex industry. Hawaii is a stopping point for USA military & ships returning from deployment. A century in existence and organizationally older than the State of Hawaii, yakuza have proliferated the young Hawaii state as legitimized business people who network together and have spiritual Dojos/temples that they support.
Most Americans don't know the complexities of Japan or Asian culture and business's as well as the plethora of unfamiliar and typical Japanese surnames. This makes the culturally superstitious Americans easy to be manipulated by yakuza because they are a #1 source for Asian cultural knowledge in the USA. 

Tuesday, April 05, 2016

USA bad for Asian-Americans 1st generation

I think the propaganda aimed at the USA is meant to play on grandiose bigotry that Donald Trump is showing the world. The volatility of USA international relations due to racism/nationalism. The ability to shut down trade routes and business dealings by using  USA citizens to attack Asians within USA borders. 
Most majority groups other than Asian have no interest in allowing those in the USA born USA citizens ground to stand on;- this will force Asia to bow to the USA  to maintain non-military trade. 

Japan, USA, North Korea, China

I made a jest that I could walk around Asia with a t-shirt saying "Americans deserve Nothing." 
Japan's warship is claimed "it isn't enough." 
Problem: despite leaders of Asian countries & UN posing sanctions against North Korea;- NoKo's leader Kim Jong-in is promoting actions that have popularity and are embraced by Asia people's sentiment of the USA . 
Japan still chooses to host and participate with the USA inside its borders. This makes Japan an easier target for All Asian nations, despite all the nuclear reactors. 

Tuesday, March 01, 2016

2016 Presidential Campaigns are for WW3

Today I received a Honolulu, HI Hillary Clinton Office call from a 69 year old woman named Caroline. The call was asking me to do some phone banking 4:30pm-8pm Hawaii Time from the Business district/ Chinatown office.

After spending the morning trying to clear my energy in meditation, I've come to realize that this 2016 Presidential Election is not about the Trade Deals &  It is not about popularity or women's issues or American Jobs.

This 2016 Election is about which candidate will be the BEST equipped American President to perform through WW3.  

Monday, February 29, 2016

Got WW3?

Securing Hawaii as a USA State:- 
1. Have state or federal cards for Any aged FT/PT resident regardless of Citizenship who enrolls in a martial arts school or lessons.
2. Make Hawaii's residential Town Associations and  Housing or Condo associations Liable for damages caused by members of martial arts schools which they allow to use facilities. Especially any practicing "ninjutsu"

Hawaii's warriors, locals, military personnel, drug dealers, mafia, drunkards with beer guts, H.S. Graduates and holy persons are looking forward to WW3. They LOVE!!! I mean LOVE their MMA guys! (I personally dislike it though if I don't tolerate it someone else will physically assault my 5'2 petite frame.)
In towns all over Oahu at least, there are tons of Martial arts classes that are supported by their community and non-profit town associations. Then many of the coaches... But are the role models for all the kids and parents to follow. They create completely abusive communities and felt the need to hang up and destroy my life...their communities and police allowing people to sit in the hall outside my door and crack the key lock box and break in.  Etc etc etc...
 They don't call this art of war for nothing. Hawaii's i.e., Mililani Town Association definitely finds this amusing. Downtown Honolulu is an absolute nightmare for me that I feel was deserving of security bearing m16 lined rooftops and security barriers. 
The fact that I was forced to live in this state here is appalling. Though the Hawaii based martial arts instructors seem to also think it's funny to take the niece of a Japanese steel broker and make me worse than a lowlife Hoe even in a 3rd world country, throw her on the street and destroy my credit. All thanks to their martial arts associations and members- of which is the entire HAWAII community;- since there are a lot of business people who don't want to be involved with the disaster they created.
I personally HATE Most of Oahu due to these people. Even Philadelphia has better people coming out of its ghettos who are more responsible. How Hawaii state isn't liable for creating these conditions is beyond me-- Cause Obama didn't want it. 
Rant over....these people make the world worse. They should Ban martial arts or make the students have registered fighting cards from the start.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Dream weekend in tears

It is time to start a major assault on the United States. 

Friday, January 29, 2016

ASEAN banks MUST open in USA- TPP efforts being sunk by BIG USA Banks

At the Dawn of the Beginning or the End of the TPP on Feb. 4, 2016 USA banks have already plummeted efforts to the pits of the USA debt load. It has been ongoing for most of the past 10 years/ decade. And, with oncoming USA presidential elections;- what USA banks do in the interim will affect the outcome of the TPP (Trans Pacific Protocol) that has been largely booed by the American public (already experiencing the beginnings of big block store closures).

That is irregardless of the Obama Administration's Patriot Act. The Patriot Act itself inspired overt racism, discrimination of National Origin, and encouraged Feds and State and local politicians and their livid followers to devestate the lives of otherwise normal Asian-Americans particularly on the Eastern USA seaboard. It changed the face of Foreign Policy  made all that was said internationally a farce.

Just as America's banks made a huge domestic effort to turn against musicians with PEACEFUL statements. America's banks have been making a huge domestic effort to turn the political tides against persons who have overseas interests in the TPP and other Export-Import ventures. It seems that even the Large cap American banks such as Citicorp have executives in their conglomerate midsts who want to pillage the remnants of Japanese held USA debt and try to turn the tides against Japan. They won't hold their own heiled domestic standard accountable for the National Debt;- instead they are trying to eliminate all the competition that has any notable ties overseas.

Everything from failed credit protection systems, erroneous banking fees, forced closures of accounts, and letting local authorities (as well as newly hired electronic security) violate personal privacy and allowed them to commit fraud at the local level has occured in over 10 years.

Around 1980, when I was about 6years old, my father (ex USAF OSI ) said to me -- the CIA will force you to be a thief or a terrorist;- take your pick, we took pot-bets that you won't live till you're 26.

It's not just that I can't sleep many nights knowing how much they have actively damaged my life in the USA, even being born as a dual citizen. Its that they are horrendous at this point;- and my overseas family in Keiretsu is not showing they have any power or authority to handle the damage that they have done.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Chinese Navy in Honolulu, Problems with Hawaiian Nation hating Japan

My anxiety level is through the ceiling while at the Vans Off the Wall 2015.
This nearly marks my 6th year in the Hawaiian Islands. Fight over Export import- especially Filipinos attacking me, Chinese-Hawaiians trying to use shipping lines to run "independence guns", Yamaguchigumi wars aside from normal enemy status with my family in Japan, Israelis, and everyone else including the local born Feds and corrupt HPD has just been a NIgHTMARE.

Chinese Navy destroyer & navy are visiting and the "local born" Hawaii residents think that finding doppelgänger of yours truly is fun to mess with. Can't imagine who else they do this to, putting doubles near work places and gyms and outings. Rumour is that China has 5-6 doppelgänger of any person they want to replace in the U.S.

Chinese+Hawaiians working to exacerbate 
Pacific security with "revolutionary" actions against USA/ North America  & Japan. 
- this has been an immediate issue beginning with security trainer Olohei* Shane Kainoa Kekoakalani  Li, who asked me if I could bring guns to Hawaii in 2009. He ha been asking around as well as other small island nations outside the Pacific region. 
*In English, Olohei means a leader of the people.

Arms to run through South China Sea