Showing posts with label EXIM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EXIM. Show all posts

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Call to HPD- nonviolence in police reporting not an option.

HPD requires guns and armed officers when taking a police report from an unarmed citizen, who may be a victim of other law enforcement agents on the island of Oahu.

I contacted HPd and since they have lost and erased and misplaced police reports I filed since arriving in 2009. The dispatch officer was angry with me and told me that the HPD officer who will take my report must have a weapon on him. He said there is no way a Honolulu Police Department officer will accept my police report if not made in person. Because my report and others I have made were literally lost and or renumbered and not able to be found by HPD since my arrival in 2009, they have aided criminals to freedom without any due process.
The dispatch also said "as long as I don't do anything to wrong the officer", which is vague and broad when reporting ther law enforcement agents on the island;- the officer should not shoot me.

Monday, September 05, 2016

The American purge 2016

Due to American and USA banks that are anticipated to fold by 2017, the wealthy are doing their purge. The purge is a slew of inexpensive yet strategic assassinations or hits on potential future USA business leaders. 
This is particularly noted to affect the Asian business community in the USA, since they are highly competitive within.
USA racism may not be the only mainstay affecting the wealthy.
Many Vietnamese and Koreans in Hawaii are also in good favor with North Korea. 
Phillipines immigrants are already subservient to the USA military. And, there is plenty of gun running favoritism from the Vietnamese-American  military.

EXIM new USA label designation for transport

Countries will soon require imported and patented USA based products, components, and patented ingredients to be clearly marked USA or with a flag designation. This includes the container used for shipping and each shipped item aboard the container.

USA "real value of goods" may be required to trade at price of Chinese Yuan 
or man-hour system (due to Inflated USA dollar value and USA debts.)

The USA may eliminate all suspicious cargo, which includes all NON-English labelling. English Only labelling.

Export Shipping containers with USA products & patents may require clear USA labelling. A seperate ship may be the solution. Other countries have to insure cargo and choose not participate in USA based cargo loads.

Courrier flights for USA company products may soon be illegal in many countries.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Japan embargo on Phillipines, Halt infrastructure Loans

I Wish that Japan will put an embargo on the Phillipines and stop all loans and funding to the Phillipines, especially for infrastructure projects. 
The Phillipines radical Christianity, as well as UN opposition to human rights make it highly volitile as a secure trade channel.
And, since it is cheap for them to convert illegal funds to gold, it will be some time before allegiance with China will emerge.

I think it's time for embargo on Phillipines.

Sunday, August 14, 2016


Angela Kneale is a survivor of Toxic Mold aka Mycotoxin poisoning. What is contained in this page and blog is my personal experiences in living with and reducing symptoms of the Toxic mold strains in MY body and in my belongings. This is my personal journal as many have asked me questions about how I was able to get healthy from Mold Mycotoxin poisoning experiences. Also, I have a resurrection gene. 8/28/2016
Though the United States is beautiful because the USA has outsourced toxic manufacturing to China. I do agree that the WORLD needs to start making adjustments in a better direction.  USA importing oil and use of private, personal automobiles and the heavy use of Lightbulbs and dryers is enough energy drain and byproducts to change the PH of rainfall to being ACID. Though a conversation with the last generation of major importers to the USA;- putting an end to the importation of OIL for public use would change life on this planet for the better.

1. Use of cars that pollute the environment and lead to Acid Rain
2. Consumes diets high in grains, sugars, and acid forming foods.

If toxic Mold is designed to and wants to rid the planet of a large number of humans;- the United States and China have created a formula for certain population deterioration. It only takes 6-8hours for mold to form a significant layer on an acid coffee drink with some sugar/ non dairy creamer in Hawaii.

I suppose this is just a slight nudge, if anyone is reading this. It's a slight nudge to think about the consequences of how deadly toxic mold is.
Even a master cleanse diet of maple syrup water has too many carbs that are easy for the mold to use, in competition with my body's digestive process kicking in to use those fast carbs. Fast Carbs vs. Slow Carbs is something that makes quite a bit of difference with functioning with this toxic mold.

Even here in Hawaii;- Living in a tent is cleaner. I have met several people who have developed tumors from toxic mold more recently. Some people have gone perceptibly insane from toxic mold, exhibiting no cognitive control whatsoever.

I keep finding mold varieties growing in public places. And, I wonder if my own battle with toxic mold that started 2 years ago is only "bringing it up" as I'm on the fringe of not eating anything.

Just a thought;- the USA diet on average is too acidic.

Water H20 and Vegan Toxic Mold Detox

Angela Kneale is a survivor of Toxic Mold aka Mycotoxin poisoning. What is contained in this page and blog is my personal experiences in living with and reducing symptoms of the Toxic mold strains in MY body and in my belongings. This is my personal journal as many have asked me questions about how I was able to get healthy from Mold Mycotoxin poisoning experiences. Also, I have a resurrection gene. 8/28/2016
I got a reminder of the importance water has in our daily lives yesterday. A friend recently reached out because of flooding in their living space. And, in conversation, I wonder if anyone really processes the crippling effect of toxic mold that can lead to death.

I needed to adopt a protocol for where I'd get my water.
These were the rules I had about water, especially here in Hawaii.
  1. Bottled water that is purified 
  2. A water filter on the personal water bottle
  3. Do not drink anything from any restaurant's soda hose.
  4. I do not drink anything  Local with a blue cap on it as I got a sediment contaminated bottle of Hawaii sourced water.
Water. We do take it for granted. 
When I was told that toxic mold was in my bloodstream without candida (I've been very vegan for most of 30 some years), they told me that it probably entered through a water source. Although alkaline, water is a carrier for mold (yes the Acid Rain lightbulb should go off in your head and do the math if you can). I decided to alkalize more with minerals (almost too much and not on any one's advice) because of this fact to try and drop my blood PH.  I also did it because I felt better from the mold symptoms. I alkalize heavily when I have times where I may be more likely to be contaminated with the toxic mold spores. 

So, in the mold stricken environment look around;- 
1. Shower heads can be contaminated with toxic mold
2. Ice box systems at home can be contaminated with toxic mold
3. Restaurant Ice can be contaminated with toxic mold (especially in Hawaii) - new or old.
4. Water drippings off awnings
5. Local grown fruit definitely harbors a variety of mold.
6. Mold in random spots like the Soap container at the gym, mold & dust in vents above shower stalls

In any case, during this time and having moved out immediately;- I showered at places that seemed mold free. And, the interesting learning part I experienced was an eye opener. There were several Hawaii homeowners who shower at the gym and bring a barrage of products. They sometimes have apologized (I take shorter civilian showers) for hogging the area because they have a bathroom they can't use at home. It's not just one or two people, the numbers are much higher. Homeowners who have neglected Water damage, tile damage, or plumbing issues that signal MOLD issue to me.

Purchasing water for drinking (I didn't do much of any cooking during the Detox) and can be a hefty bill. So, there are water filtration systems like LifeStraw that are proven to filter out the most possible.


Wednesday, August 03, 2016

American concept of "home"

Experiential learning has transcended typical rural boundaries online. A man who returned to land from RIMPAC drills said to me;-  "no it's just that we miss home." He said that in response to  My dismay with the "white girl" syndrome From white USA soldiers returning. So, this USA soil mindset is that USA Homeland is to be most supportive of white women. This man returns and only wants to support white women after being abroad, despite other attractive American women of other racial descent being single and available. Reinforced by the RIMPAC drills having people of different races and countries that weren't white, so a white mindset  in the USA who "isn't white" doesn't belong. And, that other races in the USA should support this idea to make as reality. This is aside from the fact that there are European countries with White people. 
So understanding that this is a common definition of what Americans call home;- why should I do anything to support their version of home that moves to exclude me and threaten my "no -white" American life. 
I am grateful for the verbal exchange, however;- it lends itself to a capitalist way of thinking of the world that favours propagation of only all white/Caucasian families. As my siblings have already been murdered by USA racists & racism, it is an understanding that those of us who are not white are merely an American grounded cat's paw reaching into foreign nations. 
Why USA soldiers don't embrace the diversity of the USA Homeland is detrimental to my future, even without my having made an EXIM attempt for the USA that I am pondering today. 
I've even had this type of conversation with sailors/soldiers of other nations. They see the USA men/soldiers dock and leave bases in segregated groups based on race. They find it astonishing that the sailors all run the same ship yet seem to have an intense hatred for each other by race, by USA locales, when departing for R&R. 
It is a ridiculous notion for me to continue to tolerate, as a minority and mixed race and nationality female in the USA. My tasks are only compounded by problems that the USA has made clear are based in Nationality first. Clearly I'm merely a cat's paw and pawn to the USA, and some days I am no one, and others thee USA fears their own hurting me as I can also be a great liability to the USA. There is no consistency that makes for a stable life and business platform for me to remain living, especially in the USA.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Hawaii needs to end sex trafficking

The Old Hawaii needs to grow up into the Western world. The local born crowd revels in the decadent trades and human trafficking as a secondary source of income. It is also way they can import and export terrorism to promote the old idea that Hawaii is not a part of the United States. That is in addition to their sale of children to foreign countries, kids who run off to the mainland with pimps, & women forced into the sex trade where there is a continual massive slippery slope of blackmail.
Those in the human labor "industry" sometimes gain outside financial support from undefined Muslim business interests. While the same women are prostitutes for the US military that resides in Hawaii, the local law enforcement virtually gives them free reign by having a blind eye to these trafficked workers to physically attack other women and families. Maybe in comparison to mainland USA, there should be a wider definition of prostitution. I have heard stories from Bar owners who have received fines for their Hostesses being engaged in prostitution. This was frequently due to undercover officers propositioning women in their establishments for prostitution. The frequency of men propositioning women for prostitution or sex in any Hawaii public location is very high. It is unlike the Mainland USA where prostitution

The maturity of both military and non-military officers and housewives who participate in the Hawaii and Transient Vegas sex worker industry is a gateway for human trafficking to remain enabled in the Hawaiian islands.

I feel redundant saying this and personally feel it may make some matters worse. if Hawaii state and City of Honolulu were to shut down most exotic dancer clubs and hostess bars;- it would put an immediate end to the above ground use and crimes against dancers and other women who prostitute out of the hostess clubs. 

From my personal experience, corrupt law enforcement is able to take money from women in the industry and use it directly against the women's domestic violence support attorneys and social workers.

 It is self defeating for Hawaii to keep so many hostess bars open, since most of the same women are in circulation and supposedly own homes elsewhere in the United States, take up to 10k to foreign countries they are from, or are trying to pay legal or hospital bills from Domestic Violence issues and stalkers and having to move off island.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

War warning

There will no longer be information or warning for any War actions against Asian or American nations, that can cause disaster to civilian populations. 

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Soft Adieu Four Seasons!,, need a new plan

My dream last night Fred and I were at the Four Seasons. He used to tell me he liked to go downstairs and wait in the lobby to see who was around, before going upstairs. 
I got to tears when I read it's closing just barely an hour ago. 
That's after my yesterday;- I enrolled in the Unbeatable Mind academy. Everyone scrapping with me because of the 4 letter EX-IM statement has well deteriorated the top notch entrepreneurial studies has worn down the positive thoughts. 

Today I realize;- I don't like the people anymore. At least my perspective has changed in 18 years. It's not that I don't like the money. One thing, I always like money. But, it's not even close to enough. I need very legitimate money, plenty of it, that does NOT compromise "the plan" in any way.

 And I think I actually should and need to like the people attached to it.  

My brother was bonded and carried over 100k at times. He was run off the road over 10 times and on his 13th car before he was what I consider to be a murder. He tried to be positive. The people he worked with were spiteful under every smile and laughed after he was killed.

Side note about Hawaii's Japanese:- 
The American mindset of legitimate Japan is definitely looser rated like backwoods rednecks. Definitely the Nazi mindset is of Hawaii plantation Japanese folks. They have the audacity to tell me I'm not Japanese enough because I don't have 2 Japanese parents. Regardless of my actual jus Sanguis Japanese nationality. So, Hawaii has made a comparable KKK version of the Japanese-Americans it has claimed as residents for 3-4 generations. It disgusts me.

IoW:- I don't think people abroad like contracted migrant farmworkers who complain about interment or racism.  As well as calling everyone else names, and berating, and mugging and hospitalizing foreign and domestic tourists. 
And then there is everyone else, every nation else. 

Friday, July 15, 2016

Viable civilian budget EXIM

$250k+ for basic licensing & security clearance 
$40k basic courses
$100k for viability towards the matter
Other expenses to set up actual company...$250k+ for first six months

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Vietnamese & Hawaii Sydicated Sex trade gangs

Go to any FOB (fresh off the Boat) sounding Vietnamese club/bar, coffeeshop club, or stripclub in Hawaii and you'll find open conversation about the sex industry. This ranges from the club workers to the patrons sitting down to cruise with a beer $6 or two for $12. The men who come from Vietnam or California see tons of money in the Hawaii sex trade, and aren't shy to the matter. They love to boast that the industry is only going to get bigger and that they will have more money.
Some of the bars work in a normal way.

For me, however, yours truly;- they are ruthless financially and psychologically everyday pouring on the abuse. The club owners in Hawaii have many friends in high places in the Military branches, the Federal Agents, and Hawaii state Judges and police. First, they send an older Vietnamese gentleman to talk to me. Someone who wants to buy drinks for me and take me out to lunch or dinner. This man, as many in Hawaii has served in the U.S. military and has friends in military positions in Vietnam or abroad.  He still has enough connections and friends he trusts to run a background check on anyone, including me. When and if he finds out you have worthwhile contacts for him to exploit;- he will be on the angry side if you don't hold "value" for him.
So, they let you work until they decide to get rid of you in one way or another.
One worker who was a hostess who sold drinks/ for her time I got to know;- made plenty of money and could afford an apartment. This hostess asked me to live with her as she was trying to maintain a respectable life. However;- problems ensued as she felt the need to install security cameras. The psychological abuse from the bar industry lead to comments meant to deface her relationship with her children. Even the men she dated, she suspected of abusing her children when she turned her back.
The installed security system wasn't even enough. She had a barrage of people who were raiding her Honolulu apartment.

One night, I waited in the car for her because she was moving. I saw definitely 3 people who I couldn't identify at different windows and at 1 doorway of her 1st floor house apartment. Seeing the one at the door, I decided to go in. I took a look around the almost empty apartment. I noticed several places where it looked like there had been manipulation of the slatted windows. She confirmed that people had broken into her bedroom and stolen belongings, and money since the bars pay cash only or give a bogus paycheck. The paychecks are inaccurate and pay that is nominal to still receive welfare benefits. The paycheck I received was barely $150 every two weeks, and I was unable to be seen at the Human Social Services office as they gave my appointment to someone else. Mind that they don't take fingerprints here in Hawaii to receive benefits. I had also known a man who worked as a server in one of the clubs I was put in when I arrived in Hawaii. He happened to be Israeli and shared his story of people breaking into his apartment on a 2nd story with slatted windows. He shared with me that he got to the point where he taped razor blades to the inside of the window slats and came home to blood on the windows. Aside from offering to get special locks for my doors at home;-
I too had given up as even my safe deposit box at the American Savings Bank was compromised by someone who had gotten my extra key.

So, my hostess friend, the next time I saw her was weeks later and I stopped by the hospital to drop off a pack of cigarettes to her after she went in for surgery from an assault.

The psychological/ emotional abuse in the clubs usually starts simple;-
the normal attacks are:
1. She's CRAZY!!! ;-- the Vietnamese MamaSan will call a worker Crazy in broken english. The broken english seems to give it more fun and drama to the outside english speaking world. Note that most Hawaii resident born families are 3rd or 4th generation Americans and can speak local, broken asian accents, as well as normal english just to handle the tourism. Others are fluent in more than one language due to mixed families. Remember I said the first Vietnamese gentleman served in the U.S. Military.
2. She's on Drugs!!! ;- the Vietnamese MamaSan will start accusing the worker of being on drugs in front of everyone to create high drama/ entertainment for the clients. Most of the workers go through times where the MamaSan will attack many people the same way. It's like a ritualistic type of emotional/ psychological abuse the Management/ Owner dishes out regularly almost on some type of schedule. Usually, the workers who are single and supporting children on their own have a hard time with this as they are trying to keep their children by being financially supportive and create a positive environment.
3.  She's NOT ________, or You're not ___________;- Fill in the blank. This is the hardest emotional/ psychological abuse that ignites an industry conversation among other workers.
This statement generally encourages the "pro hoes" in the nearby vicinity to chide in and destroy a person's character. Its virtually the same as military tactics. If you try to defend yourself, they tell you you are crazy. They will have everyone who finds you a financial threat to themselves (almost anyone) join in and attack your real life outside the industry. When these things start happening frequently;- the next round is coming of more break-ins, theft, identity theft of those they hate, destruction of credit, tracking of cellular/ mobile phone, harassment by police who are friends of the sex trade industry.

Another issue with the Hawaii night club and sex industry, is that they target single workers and break-in and use the unattended apartment for prostitution. This happened to someone who found out they put a prostitute who looked like her at the bottom of her apartment stairwell. The pimp was a Church pastor and social worker who lived in the apartment below hers. He had easy access and could monitor the apartment for vacancy. He also had protection of the community.

The women in the Hawaii sex industry/ club industry or simply "Industry" are all the same. Many are single and got dragged into the industry by someone in law enforcement. It's almost as if the Hawaii Federal Agents and Honolulu Police Department selects who will be the night industry workers. Some of those who I spoke with have lost their nationality because they weren't allowed to travel back to their home country after Honolulu Police Department arrested them in a "domestic violence" dispute where the men attacked the women. Others who were younger, in their early 20's were arrested for no apparently criminal reason and thrown in jail for not being able to handle the bogus arrest on their own. I've already mentioned the other young women under 18 whose U.S. Military parents left them in the islands without any identification and refuse to cooperate, so the young women can't get a normal job and fill out a W-2. This is alot different than those young women who were being abused at home and ran away only to find some hope in the Hawaii sex & nightclub industry.

I was already targeted because of the Export-Import industry my relatives already ship steel in, before my bi-annual and 1 month vacation prior to arriving in the Hawaiian Islands. I was picked up at the Honolulu Airport and the Agent took my luggage and put it in his vehicle. He then didn't allow me to wait at the Rental Car company for my car rental reservation. It went downhill from there despite my trying to make the best of it due to the political nature of my relatives in Japan.

I'll add more if I can. The first point of issue I have with Export-Import is that people have been lead to believe that I am a "model wanna be" in Hawaii's slews of Import models. Around normal people they pass me off as "Crazy". This doesn't even begin to highlight the seriousness of the criminal activity that goes on in Hawaii. Obviously because of the political nature of Export-Import industry, it is prone to those who attack the industry itself. I am in the quagmire of sexist men in USA security and protection positions and being beaten up literally by the same men and their women who they benefit from in Hawaii's illegal sex trade.

I am at the point that I feel they should shut down 95% of extraneous bars, those bars that are separate from hotels as the license violations are a joke for the Honolulu Liquor Commission who turns a blind eye except when trying to extort a particular worker. This happens as many of the bar owners know that the "working girls" are from GOOD ASIAN families abroad. And, it is common knowledge that even a "dancer" who has a Honolulu Liquor Comission Licensed Dancer Card, aka Green Card due to the green band at the top of the card;- can't make money in any club by following liquor comission laws 100%. The Honolulu Liquor Comission knows this and benefits from payoffs by the club owners. "Fines" are given when they want to extort a particular dancer. There are drink sales in 100% of the clubs where the Hostess is paid 50%-75% of the drink price for "their time". The drinks range from $20-$80 for highballs and shots, and $100-$5,000 for champagne (Dom is @$900). Tips are generally given to the Servers and not to hostesses or dancers.

The definitions of prostitution are broad for those who work in the Hawaii nightclub scene and if enforced continuously are unforgiving to the worker. That is in addition to the industry, that seems legitimate by Hawaii licensing and practices makes the servers, hostesses, and entertainment vulnerable to a huge audience that needs illegal money in order to survive the High cost of living in Hawaii.

Additionally, that there should be some type of "dry town" designations for areas much like the New Jersey Shore area so that families are not subject to round the clock drunkenness. Although, many drunk drivers are also leaving the golf courses by 2pm.

Though, some of the places of Employment that serve Honolulu's tourism are legitimate;- many of them are crowded with workers who were unwilling to stay in Hawaii and legally decimated by HPD or the Federal Agents.  Or, they are willing prostitutes from Asian countries who gain self confidence and money by hearing and laughing at those of us who were born American.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Ban USA religious volunteerism

Recent USA news shows the racial disparity between American Christians within the USA. For a worldwide peaceable business economy, I personally think that USA religious groups should be banned from travel abroad. 

USA Humanitarian efforts should be constrained to humanitarian actual efforts only and not impede growth and politics
Humanitarian efforts should be constrained to humanitarian actual efforts only and not impede growth and peaceable politics. Online interactions already are a safe way for USA to infiltrate countries with global capitalist values and white based Christian value systems. 
 Respect for Collective Mindsets is lacking in interactions with the USA American Culture
More non-denominational schools for youth should be encouraged to finding peaceable international business solutions. Possibly with a broad scope of cultural religion and customs for positive interactions with collective mindsets that enable other humans to exist in other areas of the planet with reasonable peace (regardless of government & political form). 

There are slews of USA children who travel outside of their home countries to do "volunteer work" or "missionary" work.  They are taught that the people they help are poor because they aren't Christian.

Instead of rallies of religious arguments against the world's people and those who are have other beliefs besides Christianity;- there should be a ban on USA religious missions to other countries. 
One thing is that it doesn't represent everyone in the USA. And the Christianity I have experienced is highly racist and in line with an American parallel to the old Nazi regime. 

Sunday, July 10, 2016


There is nothing else in my mind than

"You either are or you aren't for me."

My life is lonely waiting on TPP agreement;- I used to be a classical piano teacher, business organizational consultant, bartender. Hawaii is full of unsavory and inappropriate as well as life threatning people. Those  who wouldn't even qualify to host a foreign exchange student due to the broken family structures really are the most inappropriate in making comments. They don't even have a wholesome American Family let alone fit a high standard of the definition of success by American standards. Instead I'm being bombarded with criticisms by Hawaii's FOB 3rd world prostitutes who latch onto the rich men here as success is huge in their home country for the $150 or so going price for prostitutes. I've learned to hate the speech impediment or Asian foreign accent on English as the people are extra numb and abusive to tolerate. Emotionally it's like hearing nails on a chalkboard screeching.  It's not only aggravating, it is like its America's way of shafting the TPP with Japan before it is finished in completion.
This goes for 
1. the long range business plan, 
2. my family is treated more harshly due to their political friends negatively impacting my life;- ie., killing my brother so he wouldn't be at my wedding (which didn't happen). A DOD employee contacted me to tell me even my family would be considered terrorist if they threatened my life at this point. @ 2005.
3. People I let close to me who really aren't qualified to speak to me about the long range business plan. 
4。Racists hiding behind the polite, cordial, and nice veil. Not for me.
5.  Men who want an intimate relationship. And bad-mouth me because of their own deficiency that is not for me.

You  are for me or aren't for me. If I'm not "happy" it's because you aren't for me or necessarily against me and I have to tolerate being there. There is no bringing in anyone to the Plan. So, there is no use for extra people who can jeopardize our goals for the 11million+ who have families to support. And, that number is expected to quadruple in the next 25years.

 My Father and my Mother are politically askew from good intentions towards me, have been accomplice to their Republican friends in dismantling my life in order to propagate WW3. Legally they are entities who met minimal accommodations and both broke child abuse laws (more so my mother on a daily basis than my father) and pilfered what was left for me by my Great-grandmother. My mother, initially part of the Imperial Japanese Household Security and my Father, EX- USAF OSI are both ostracized from the family. I have tried my best through an extremely abusive and life threatening environment to survive on behalf of the PEACE concept. 
I am at a point where, my instructions since childhood as an Agent of Japan and serving my Emperor seem futile. Though, my sentiment is to terminate this relationship as there is no one who is helping to improve my life to a reasonable mode of living. Everyone who knows of this plan and has money to gain or loose threatens me with legalities, and so I have remained with my "Vow of Poverty" I was forced to realize in 1996 if I was to continue my life.

Since I have been in Hawaii;- I was unwillingly detained by a Navy Seal trainer and Martial artist and tossed into the Hawaii sex industry. He forced me to surrender money I made, if it wasn't stolen from me along with other pieces of my identity. This is due to his parents' ineptitude financially. He also identified hisself as a Federal Agent and a VIP body guard. He explained he had to do this to me so that he could protect his own "credit rating" to keep his job. Due to this initial violation of my personal well being, It opened the doors to more attacks from the Hawaii military & sex industry, as well as the local security companies and Honolulu Police department;- all involved in sex trafficking or illegal narcotics to some degree. 

This Hawaii is tired. It would be refreshing to have new security move into the area and more constraints on soldiers at all levels;- as they are to take orders and fail at being better civilian business people.

Saturday, July 09, 2016

Earthquakes in the News

This photo shows how serious the matter is;- I stooped to purchasing INSTANT COFFEE...OMG!!

The past week has been riddled with minor earthquakes across the globe.
A few things despite the unlikely hood of it hitting Hawaii;-

I am phasing out the Slippers aka Flip Flops aka open toed sandals.
Instead, I'm back to wearing closed toe training shoes most of the time.
Most of Hawaii would be plagued with cut up feet if there were to be an actual disaster.

Just a thought this Sunny Saturday afternoon.
Aside from the loss of shipping to the Hawaiian Islands and a 3 day food supply out here.
Most food, even food grown in Hawaii, is shipped to the mainland and then sent back to Hawaii.

Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Ex-im look at it this way Atlanta

They put a hit out on me, that is Atlanta, GA. so they have helpin Hawaii from local Chinese-Hawaiian maffia. And some NAVY SEALS.
I'm lucky to be alive, though everyone in Hawaii agrees that my misfortune is setting the bar to anger the right people in the right places to set up for WW3. They thank Hawaii for this.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Bugging OUt

Bugging Out:- Belongings are critical and leaving them is not a good option. This can include the Car/ Vehicle as a solid and/or mobile Home base.

Winter to Sub-Zero - Key is to Stay DRY everywhere.
Summer to Tropical Climate - Key is to Stay HYDRATED & Maintain Body temperature
  4. UNPLUG ALL USB/CHARGER DEVICES WHEN NOT IN THE VEHICLE  Can drain Car battery or start electrical fire.
  6.  KEEP A SUPPLY OF EXTRA FUSES in glovebox
Small Car Vs. Large Car/Truck
  • Using Bugout Vehicle - Limited Gas/Fuel Supply - Hybrid offers alternative power option.
  • A/C & Heating Valuable
    • Running AC/Heater - Need more fuel for Large Compartment
    • Tints are key in keeping temperature down & for sun protection
  • Small Vehicle- Offers an efficient way to save energy and stay mobile. 
    • Issue- Body Cramps from being in same position
      • Supplement supply that has Arginine 

  • Winter to Sub-Zero - Key is to Stay DRY everywhere.
  • Sub-Zero Bug Out Car Camping
    • 2" Thick Acrylic Faux Fur Blanket (Queen Sized) - top single layer for sleep. Can be 2 Thinner 1/2"-1" Faux Fur Blankets Sewn Together. 
    •  Warm Clothes with 1 absorbent wicking layer closest to skin - from head to toes.
  • Sub-Zero Freeze temperature can be deadly. Even with a specialized  snowmobile, handwarmers, and layers of Extreme temperature gear, the ability to quickly make fires, and frequently is crucial when attempting to be on the move.

     Thick Walled Plastic Containers for Storage
      Metal Buckets can be set by a fireplace/ fire if the water freezes

Hot Tropical:
Plastic Deteriorates Fast in 3-6Mos of Constant Heat (despite Shade)
Use Bottled H20 sources 1st if no cool storage
if storage temp < Outdoor temp
Water Evaporates in Heat & Is difficult to cool without refridgeration or electricity

FACIAL WIPES:  help to reduce water use. They can be Dethawed with Body Heat. Have multiple uses and can be cut in half/ smaller pieces to prolong use.
HYDROGEN PEROXIDE: Sprayed on Seats/ Carpet to keep mold down (hot-tropical climate).
APPLE CIDER VINEGAR (ACV)- Sprayed on Carpets & Seats also kills microrganisms (possible ringworm, mites, mold, keeps away cockroaches) in Heat. It will stink for 1-2 days until it dries out;- However the end result is amazingly Positive and Fresh smelling (hot-tropical climate). Also good for cleaning windows with a cloth.

Activated Charcoal pills - Can also use charcoal from burned out fire
Silver Gel
(Hydrogen Peroxide - see above/ Hygeine)
(Apple Cider Vinegar ACV - see above/Hygeine)
Bandaids small to larger sized.
EO Myrhh
Gauze & Tape
KT Tape

Bugging OUt

Bugging Out:- Belongings are critical and leaving them is not a good option. This can include the Car/ Vehicle as a solid and/or mobile Home base.

Winter to Sub-Zero - Key is to Stay DRY everywhere.
Summer to Tropical Climate - Key is to Stay HYDRATED & Maintain Body temperature
  4. UNPLUG ALL USB/CHARGER DEVICES WHEN NOT IN THE VEHICLE  Can drain Car battery or start electrical fire.
  6.  KEEP A SUPPLY OF EXTRA FUSES in glovebox
Small Car Vs. Large Car/Truck
  • Using Bugout Vehicle - Limited Gas/Fuel Supply - Hybrid offers alternative power option.
  • A/C & Heating Valuable
    • Running AC/Heater - Need more fuel for Large Compartment
    • Tints are key in keeping temperature down & for sun protection
  • Small Vehicle- Offers an efficient way to save energy and stay mobile. 
    • Issue- Body Cramps from being in same position
      • Supplement supply that has Arginine 

  • Winter to Sub-Zero - Key is to Stay DRY everywhere.
  • Sub-Zero Bug Out Car Camping
    • 2" Thick Acrylic Faux Fur Blanket (Queen Sized) - top single layer
  • Sub-Zero Freeze temperature can be deadly. Even with a specialized  snowmobile, handwarmers, and layers of Extreme temperature gear, the ability to quickly make fires, and frequently is crucial when attempting to be on the move.

     Thick Walled Plastic Containers for Storage
      Metal Buckets can be set by a fireplace/ fire if the water freezes

Hot Tropical:
Plastic Deteriorates Fast in 3-6Mos of Constant Heat (despite Shade)
Use Bottled H20 sources 1st if no cool storage
if storage temp < Outdoor temp
Water Evaporates in Heat & Is difficult to cool without refridgeration or electricity

Thursday, June 02, 2016

May 2016 - my EX-IM notes

Elimination and *Action Plan + minimum constraints
  • Everyone has their own agenda
  • Some do marketing to "unite" it under a common cause
  • Race/national issues unwelcome
  • Refrain from using the word "Culture"
  • Business requirements to be met
    • not personal agendas of Others who create issues
  • There are no lawsuits at this level, only War(s).

Too Violent                vs.               Intelligent (Makes appropriate decision, maximizes cooperation)
Untrustworthy            vs.              Subversive ( Proven Works in favor of organization)
Steal from System      vs.              Personal Wealth (including education & experience)
(Steal from Business)

wrong mindset:   Military members work in teams against civilian initiative & corporate global agenda - Compromise integrity of mission especially using JAG's and free resources. 

*Eliminate those who compromise integrity

Looking for those who are 
  1. non-violent
  2. Non-Government  (not working for charitable causes either)
  3. Don't sway because of money
  4. Dedicated to cause or belief
*Set up business to see who steals

wrong mindset:  Qualifier mindset that must be eliminated:- Military Tourism = not international credibility.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

painful bioregionalism. 16mile town plan. Shingyo Money.

When I was a tween, I was reading loads of Issac Asimov and political books on Environment. One book that was in harmony with me was a book about a "new" idea named bioregionalism.
However, I read it after a trip to Japan and a thorough tour of our economic growth in  the Tohoku region to buildings in Tokyo.
Bioregionalism is for some reason in the English language a "new" idea that became popular in the 1980's.  However, because of the European feudal system and the USA being a new land with odd political boundaries contained within it;- it is a new idea for the USA. ASIA, however has been in existence for thousands of years compared to the USA's short 300 year life since 1776AD. And, in Japan, a system that was similar to Bioregionalism was in effect around 775AD.  It was called SHINGYO money.  Despite the government system of Lords being somewhat different and having more of a severe outward presence, shingyo money circulated in the Japanese prefectures. It supported the local economy even though sometimes the Lord held most of the money. Not dissimilar to the 1% phenomena that is happening globally.
Bioregionalism may be a shift in mental focus to the environment and away from typical governement and earth boundaries, However, the idea remains the same that waterways and mountain borders are obstacles that should not be monopolized in entirety by local people to block trade in entirety.
 Some Rare, 1% people in the USA who have had EXIM family  believe that humans are meant to live within a 16 mile radius. All food, work, and other basic life sustaining elements should be in that 16 miles. And, that more basic transportation for daily use should not be an automobile as most areas do not produce oil and gasoline. Basic, daily use transportation should be bicycles, or for those less healthy, a more suitable chauffer.